👨「Hayabuchi Diary」のINDEXです
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
21-6-22 | 略語 CCUS |
21-4-28 | 脱炭素に関連する単語① |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
19-2-19 | 英語-「その理由は…だからだ」 |
18-12-31 | 英語-警戒表示板その他 |
18-12-31 | 英語-Toeic test プラス・マガジン とっくん登録(次からは簡単) |
18-12-1 | 英語-をはねる |
18-11-13 | 英語-two-way-phenom-ohtani-wins-al-roy-award |
18-11-11 | 英語-気をつけなきゃいけない複数形たち |
18-11-11 | 英語-自立運転自動車はautonomous vehicle |
18-11-11 | 英語-やたらとvastを使う人いる |
18-11-9 | 英語-「それぞれの」each-respective |
18-11-8 | 英語-even-odd |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
21-7-15 | レトロスペクティブとプロスペクティブ |
21-1-4 | まともな |
20-9-8 | 勝ち負けを表現する |
20-5-18 | 英語-反意語 existence, extinction |
20-2-24 | 英語‐楽観的、悲観的 |
19-11-13 | 英語-「落とす」「拾う」 |
19-11-6 | 英語-「浮かび上がる」「沈む」 |
19-5-5 | 英語-less+形容詞はmore+形容詞の反対 |
19-3-18 | 英語-[故意/故意じゃない・偶然] |
19-3-15 | 注意した方が良い否定形 |
19-3-1 | 英語-無人モード、対話モード |
19-2-27 | 英語-「追放される/亡命する」② |
19-2-26 | 英語-「追放される/亡命する」① |
19-2-22 | 英語-「表・裏」 |
19-2-16 | 英語-「ここで食べる/持ち帰りする」 |
19-2-14 | 英語-早くても、遅くとも |
19-2-10 | 英語-拘束する、放つ |
19-2-1 | 英語-表面の感じ① |
19-1-14 | 英語-提供する/しない |
19-1-13 | 英語-「見える」「見えない」 |
18-12-2 | 英語-締める・固定する・ゆるむ |
18-12-2 | 英語-反意語「有効」「無効」 |
18-12-1 | 英語-反意語spontaneous/meticulous |
18-11-28 | 英語-スケジュールに対し早い遅いを整理 |
18-11-23 | 英語-反意語「条件」「無条件」 |
18-11-20 | 英語-スケジュールに遅れる/早まる |
18-11-19 | 英語-スケジュールを早める・遅らす |
18-11-19 | 英語-反意語inclusive/exclusive |
18-11-19 | 英語-反意語centrifugal force/centripetal force |
18-11-18 | 英語-反意語「広がる、収束する」 |
18-11-14 | 英語-反意語「加湿、除湿」 |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
22-10-1 | 「基礎疾患」underlying condition |
22-2-5 | 手術を意味する単語3つ |
21-4-17 | 病気関係⑥ | 20-8-15 | 英語-傷、傷口 |
20-8-4 | 英語-got sunstroke |
20-3-21 | [似ている単語]disabled, disordered |
20-3-21 | 英語-障害 |
20-2-17 | 英語‐隔離 |
20-1-18 | 英語-不眠症 |
19-12-23 | 英語-(けが、病気)を治す |
19-12-22 | 英語-回復する |
19-12-22 | 英語-吐く |
19-12-21 | 英語-寝る |
19-12-21 | 英語-分泌する |
19-12-21 | 英語-やけどをする |
19-12-18 | 英語-熱がある、熱が出る |
19-12-15 | 英語-「痛む」 |
19-12-8 | 英語-衛生③ |
19-8-18 | 英語- [形容詞+disease] |
19-4-13 | 英語-[腕や足の付け根] |
19-4-12 | 英語-[病気になる] |
19-4-11 | 英語-[けがをさせる] |
19-3-15 | 英語-「害する」 |
19-2-6 | 英語-医療機関 |
18-12-27 | 英語-衛生② |
18-12-25 | DMM英会話-0045 |
18-12-5 | 英語-病気関係⑤ |
18-12-5 | 英語-体の部位関係② |
18-12-2 | 英語-医学① |
18-12-2 | 英語-病気関係④ |
18-12-2 | 英語-病気関係③ |
18-12-2 | 英語-体の部位関係① |
18-12-2 | 英語-衛生① |
18-12-2 | 英語-病気関係② |
18-12-2 | 英語-病気関係① |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
23-5-14 | 動物が「吠える、鳴く」 |
20-12-21 | 種まき→栽培→収穫→作物 |
19-12-17 | 英語-呼吸 |
19-10-1 | 英語- eco-friendly【形】生態系にやさしい |
19-9-17 | 英語-台風が上陸する |
19-9-17 | 英語-the oceans near Japan「日本近海」 |
19-9-3 | 英語-aurora「オーロラ」 |
19-9-1 | 英語-「低炭素社会」low carbon society |
19-4-3 | 英語-ペットなどを飼う |
18-12-21 | 英語-農産 |
18-12-20 | 英語-生き物色々 |
18-12-12 | 英語-植物関係① |
18-12-12 | 英語-海洋 |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
24-2-21 | ペットを飼う理由について |
24-1-5 | condemnの使い方 |
23-7-5 | a social call |
23-5-31 | メンバーに加える |
23-4-8 | 共用、共同利用 |
22-11-15 | 「同行、来客」company |
22-10-30 | 「人と話をする」have a word with someone |
21-10-24 | 政党 |
21-5-7 | 英語以外-犬が来たの巻② |
20-9-28 | 別れ際の言葉 |
20-8-30 | 英語-官職名② |
20-8-29 | 英語-官職名① |
20-4-21 | 英語-強い結びつき |
20-4-20 | 英語-主義 |
20-2-22 | 英語-力を合わせる |
20-2-22 | 関係を否定する |
20-2-9 | 英語-責任感 |
20-2-2 | 英語-本人 |
19-11-6 | 英語-intimate |
19-11-2 | 英語-concessionの意味 |
19-10-9 | 英語-a friend of mine「友達」 |
19-9-21 | 英語-…の言葉 |
19-9-5 | 英語-appease「なだめる」 |
19-8-4 | 英語-腹を立てる |
19-6-28 | 英語-「気楽にやれよ」「気にすることはないさ」 |
19-5-31 | 英語-「会社員、社会人」 |
19-3-10 | 英語-「問題となる」 |
19-2-27 | 英語-「追放される/亡命する」② |
19-2-26 | 英語-「追放される/亡命する」① |
19-2-25 | 英語-[相手方/通話相手] |
19-2-18 | 英語-「にも関わらず、に関係なく」 |
19-2-18 | 英語-[有名な] |
19-2-13 | 英語-とは関係ない |
19-2-12 | 英語-影響 |
19-2-11 | 英語-統一する |
19-2-11 | 英語-思いやりがある |
19-2-9 | 英語-知り合う |
19-2-9 | 英語-優勢、有利 |
19-2-7 | 英語-関連 |
19-1-26 | 英語-危険にさらす、脅す |
19-1-19 | 英語-受け入れられない、非難する |
19-1-5 | 英語-クビにする、(自ら)辞める |
19-1-3 | 英語-招待① |
18-12-18 | 英語-fire vs resign |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
21-1-23 | steamed meat bun「肉まん」 |
20-8-17 | 英語-厨房 |
20-6-7 | 🐰Beerについて過去の投稿集 |
20-4-28 | 英語-油跳ね防止タイル |
20-2-3 | 英語-小麦粉 |
20-2-2 | 英語-発酵 |
19-11-28 | 英語-ビール④ |
19-11-25 | 英語-ビール③ |
19-11-25 | 英語-ビール② |
19-11-25 | 英語-ビール① |
19-3-2 | 英語-[delicious] |
19-2-16 | 英語-「ここで食べる/持ち帰りする」 |
19-1-10 | 英語-baggie「(ビニールの)食料保存袋」 |
19-1-9 | 英語-pastry,bread rolls |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
24-2-26 | causeやlead toの使い方 |
22-10-28 | 「だます」con |
22-10-18 | 「手を出す、絡む」mess with |
22-9-10 | 「手掛かり」break |
20-3-10 | 英語-爆発する |
20-3-6 | 英語-殺人 |
20-1-29 | 英語-起訴する |
19-10-23 | 英語-「注意してください」 |
19-9-3 | 英語-「氾濫、殺到」deluge,inundate |
19-4-3 | 英語-[つまずく、転ぶ] |
19-3-27 | 英語-[違反、過失] |
19-2-2 | 英語-commitとviolateの違いについて |
19-1-30 | 英語-偽造、模倣 |
19-1-29 | 英語-暴行、攻撃 |
18-11-11 | 飲酒運転 |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
24-1-30 | 埋め立て |
22-9-10 | 「わかっている場所」known location |
21-6-22 | 英語-whereabouts |
21-5-17 | 先進国、発展途上国、新興国 |
20-3-26 | 英語-人口 |
20-2-23 | 英語‐柱と梁(はり)の違い |
19-9-4 | 英語-landlocked |
19-2-5 | 英語-居住者 |
19-2-5 | 英語-に建っている、在る |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
20-10-2 | 宗教2 |
20-8-16 | 英語-お墓、墓地 |
19-2-7 | 英語-宗教① |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
24-1-25 | 「貧しい」と関連する語彙 |
22-10-5 | 「振込する」wire |
21-11-04 | 小遣い(こづかい) |
21-10-19 | お金を受け取る |
20-10-7 | への支出を控える |
20-6-28 | 英語- Fintech(financial technology) |
20-5-31 | 英語-equityとstockの違い |
20-5-30 | 英語-Safe Harbor Statement |
20-5-24 | 英語-IR(Investor Relations)を読む |
20-5-16 | 英語-破産 |
20-2-23 | 英語‐譲許的な(=協議し合意した) |
20-1-4 | 英語-Cash flow statement「キャッシュフロー計算書」 |
20-1-3 | 英語-Profit and Loss Statement「損益計算書」 |
19-12-31 | 英語-Balance sheet「貸借対照表」 |
19-12-30 | 英語-IR意味 |
19-12-15 | 英語-tender |
19-8-25 | 英語-riskhedge (risk hedge)「リスクに備えること」 |
19-7-2 | 英語-good value for money「値段以上の価値がある」 |
19-5-28 | 英語-depleteとdepreciateを混同しない |
19-5-27 | 英語-depreciateの反対はappreciate |
19-5-24 | 英語-「損をする/好機を逃す」 |
19-4-9 | 英語-[〇カ月ぶり高水準] |
19-3-9 | 英語-[貸し借り] |
19-3-8 | 英語-「得な買い物」 |
19-2-8 | 英語-支払いできない |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
20-5-25 | 英語-縁石、ガードレール |
19-10-16 | 英語-標識「歩行者優先」 |
19-8-7 | 英語-通過する |
19-6-6 | 英語-車の発進と停車の表現 |
19-3-7 | 英語-「交通機関、交通手段」 |
19-2-17 | 英語-「道なりに行く」 |
19-2-9 | 英語-車両や船の交通 |
18-11-8 | 英語-輸送を意味してtransから始まる語彙たち |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
23-4-2 | 「騒音問題」noise problem |
20-10-31 | 「対立」を表す単語② |
19-11-2 | 英語-賛成、反対、多数決 |
19-9-25 | 英語-「投票」 |
19-4-1 | 英語-[合意、認める、支持する] |
19-3-28 | 英語-[認める] |
19-2-17 | 英語-「裏切る、反逆する」 |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
20-2-29 | 英語-「着る、着ている」 |
19-5-25 | 英語- suitsはスイーツじゃないよ! |
19-3-10 | 英語-「彫刻/彫像」 |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
23-7-20 | 口語での簡略化 |
22-8-16 | lay low |
21-11-8 | ご存じない方のために |
19-8-1 | 英語-「どこから来ましたか?」 |
19-4-10 | 英語-[…と言われている] |
19-3-9 | 英語-[そんなに言うなら] |
19-3-6 | 英語-「とにかく」 |
19-1-28 | 2019大坂なおみさんのインタビュー |
19-1-21 | 英語-とにかく、反応を見せる |
18-12-18 | 英語-私だけが I alone |
18-12-7 | 英語-だからって、だからといって |
18-12-2 | 英会話-挨拶① |
18-12-2 | 英会話-話題の変更① |
18-11-21 | 過ちを二度と犯さない |
18-11-15 | Distracted Drivingとは |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
21-9-6 | NHF「ネーザル・ハイフロー」 |
21-6-22 | 略語 CCUS |
21-4-20 | CPI「消費者物価指数」 |
21-4-4 | 略語 CASE |
21-3-18 | 略語 BCP |
20-7-12 | 略語 TCFD |
20-7-9 | 英語-略語 D2C |
20-7-1 | 略語 P2P |
20-6-28 | 英語- Fintech(financial technology) |
20-5-2 | 英語-略語 SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) |
20-4-26 | 英語-略語 BBB「再建するなら前よりよいものを」 |
20-2-25 | 英語-略語 ICT「情報通信技術」 |
20-2-24 | 英語-略語 MaaS |
20-2-18 | 英語-略語 ESG |
20-2-11 | 英語-略語 VUCA |
20-2-9 | 英語-略語「電子機器の受託製造サービス」 |
19-12-31 | 英語-頭字語と略語をすっきりする |
投稿日 | タイトル(リンク) |
24-2-21 | ペットを飼う理由について |
24-2-21 | 時が解決する |
24-2-20 | 悲しみを吹き飛ばせ |
24-2-19 | 苦手な「死」に関する単語たち |
24-2-18 | ペットロスを乗り越える |
👨 ブログのほうは思いつきで行き当たりばったりだけど、こっちのインデックスで分かり易く分類していきたいと思ってます。
2020/10/29 カテゴリー「賛成、反対」に「紛争」を追加
2020/09/14 「関連投稿リンク集🐰」をINDEXの一番上に移動(復習しやすいように)。
2020/05/30 過去に投稿した内容で類義語、反意語その他グループ化した方が理解しやすり物をまとめた「関連投稿リンク集🐰」をこのHTML内に作成。
Business english
Business english1
Business english2
Business english3
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Let me introduce myself.
⚪Allow me to introduce myself.
⚪I don't think we've been introduced.
⚪I work for "Future Innovation".
⚪I believe we have some things in common.
⚪Let me give you my business card.
⚪Here's my business card.
⚪Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can help you with.
⚪Feel free to ask any questions you might have.
Introduction 1
👨Good evening, Mr. Jameson. I have heard so much about you! Let me introduce myself – I am Patrick Clover from "Future Innovation". I manage the Marketing Team, here in Frankfurt. I have also worked for "Healthcare" and "Global Locally" as both an advertisement manager and a public relations specialist.
👨I believe we have some things in common - we both work in the same field and we are both heads of our respective departments. Here, let me give you my business card. My number is there, please don't hesitate to call if you ever need anything.
Introduction 2
🧑Hi there, I am Patrick. I don't think we've met before. I live in Frankfurt and one of my hobbies is playing golf. I work in marketing. I also have a wife and two kids.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What kind of language is used in each of the two introductions? Formal or informal?
⚪How does Patrick Clover try to establish rapport with the person he is speaking to in the first introduction?📌rapport with(調和を基調とした)関係
⚪What are the major differences in the contents of the two introductions?
⚪What can you say about the structure of the two introductions?
🔹Study Manual🔹
Read the following tips.
⚪How to Make a Business Introduction
⚪Establish a connection with the listeners: "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen/Hello, Mr. Jameson, I am...” It is always a good idea to mention the name of the person you are introducing yourself to. This will immediately attract their attention.
⚪Key points: You should include several different points in your introduction, such as your experience, your company’s name, your position in the company, etc. The things you say about yourself will vary depending on your audience.
⚪Be confident and friendly: Talk about yourself in a confident manner, but make sure not to come across as arrogant. That's why it's important to be natural and friendly, at the same time.📌come acrossは、「出くわす」という意味のほうが知られている気がしますが、「(印象を与えるよう)ふるまう」のような意味もあります
⚪Be attentive: Pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues that your listener gives you and make sure to give them a chance to talk as well and ask questions if they have any. Always give the other person time to introduce himself/herself.📌cue【可算名詞】きっかけ、手がかり、合図
⚪How do you feel when you have to introduce yourself in business situations?
⚪How important do you think it is to make a good self-introduction?
⚪Are there any specific rules that should be followed when making a business introduction in your country?
⚪What are some other tips that you would give to someone for making a good business introduction?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪We are very sorry to hear that.
⚪We are sorry for the inconvenience.
⚪We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
⚪Please accept our sincere apologies.
⚪Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
⚪Should you have any questions please call this number 612-64-64.
An Apology Letter
- Dear valued customer,
- We are very sorry to hear that the magazine you received last month lacked a few pages. It is the first time we have made such an error. We pride ourselves on producing error-free copies and we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
- We packed another copy of the magazine and sent it by post immediately after receiving your complaint. In case you do not receive it within the next three days, feel free to call us at 575 - 757.
- Please accept our sincere apologies.
- Yours faithfully,
- Financial Times
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What is Financial Times apologizing for?
⚪What did they say in an attempt to regain the trust of the customer?
⚪What kind of compensation did they offer for making the mistake?
⚪What is the structure of this apology letter?
🔹Study Manual🔹
Read the following tips.
⚪How to Make a Business Apology
⚪Correct timing. It is best to apologize as soon as you realize that there has been a mistake. However, it is equally important not to rush and to take enough time to prepare what you want to say.
⚪Means of communication. There are many ways to apologize: you can apologize in person, over the phone, in an e-mail or a handwritten letter. Eye contact makes the apology more personal; however, if a person was deeply hurt, a letter might be a better option. Every situation is unique, so take your time to choose how to deliver your apology in a way that best suits the given circumstances.📌means of≒way of
⚪Explanation without excuses. After apologizing you can shortly explain why it happened, but be careful not to start making excuses. Keep in mind that the customer is always right and take full responsibility for the mistake.
⚪Clear structure. Whether written or spoken, an apology needs to have a clear structure:
⚪clearly state what you did wrong
⚪acknowledge the inconvenience caused
⚪promise that it won't happen again
⚪offer compensation (if it is necessary or appropriate to do so)
⚪Have you ever had to write an apology letter or have you ever received one? If so, what for?
⚪Do you find it difficult to apologize when you make a mistake? Why? Why not?
⚪Is it easier for you to apologize in person or via other means of communication?📌means of≒way of
⚪“The more excuses you give, the guiltier you seem.” Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?
【Asking for Further Instructions】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Do you have a minute?
⚪Would you mind sparing several minutes of your time?
⚪I was wondering if we could have a short meeting.
⚪There are a few things I would like to ask you.
⚪I would like to check on a few small details...
⚪I would like to talk through this matter...
⚪It won't take up too much of your time.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Zach goes to his boss's office to ask him something.
- Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but do you have a minute?
[Mark Smith]
- What is it?
- I was wondering if we could have a short meeting today. I have started working on my project, and there are a few things I would like to discuss.
[Mark Smith]
- Can it wait? I am quite busy today.📌wait【自】の主語は無生物主語OKで、S + can waitで「Sは急を要さない(後回しで良い)」という意味があります。例:Can it wait? 「それ後回しにできますか?」
- I’m afraid it cannot wait, sir. I have to confirm a few important points with you, before I continue. It won't take up too much of your time, I assure you.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, I can find a few minutes to spare. Meet me in the conference room in half an hour.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Why did Zach go to his boss's office?
⚪What did Zach want to discuss?
⚪How did Zach convince his boss to spare him some time?
🔹Study Manual🔹
Read the following tips.
-How to Ask for Further Instructions
⚪Listen carefully. Make sure to listen attentively when your boss is explaining a task or project. Take detailed notes of all the specifics mentioned, so that you can refer to them and avoid asking what was already said.
⚪Ask immediately. When in doubt over an assignment or faced with a problem, don't ever hesitate to ask for help or clarification. It's better to ask early than to have to start over again.
⚪Respect your boss's time. Be mindful of your boss's time and respect their schedule. Always prepare a list of questions or points that you need to discuss.
⚪Be brief and straightforward. Ask simple, short and informative questions; this will help you avoid time wasting.
⚪Do you often ask your superior for instructions?
⚪Do you often ask your colleagues for help and direction?
⚪Is it easier for you to ask your boss or your colleagues for help? Why?
⚪Does your manner of speech change when you ask your colleagues, compared to when you ask your boss? If so, in what way?
【Making Business Introductions】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
Making Introductions
⚪Allow me to introduce myself; my name is James Johnson.
⚪Let me introduce you to my secretary, Ms. Patricia Jones.
⚪I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Jennifer Smith.
⚪Mr. Ronald, this is attorney Jeff Stanley from Micro Company.
⚪Mr. Gail, I would like to introduce Mr. Frank from CBS.
⚪Kevin, I’d like you to meet the manager of the marketing department, Mark Brown.
Responding to an Introduction
⚪Nice to meet you.
⚪It’s a pleasure to meet you.
⚪I’m pleased to meet you.
⚪It’s great to finally meet you.
⚪I’m looking forward to working with you!
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪A new HR manager was hired in Micro Company. The boss is introducing him to all of the employees.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Good morning, everyone. I would like to introduce our new Human Resource Manager, Mr. Mark Smith.
[Mark Smith]
- Good morning, everyone. I’m pleased to meet you all.
- Nice to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you!
- It's a pleasure to meet you!
[Mark Smith]
- I’m really looking forward to working with all of you.
- Jessica, the company’s vice president, arrives.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Oh, good morning, Jessica! I'd like you to meet Mr. Mark Smith, our new HR Manager. Mr. Smith, this is Ms. Jessica Stone, our vice president.
- It’s great to finally meet you, Mr. Smith.
[Mark Smith]
- Likewise. I look forward to working with you!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What is the dialogue about?
⚪What is Mr. Smith's position in the company?
⚪Who is the vice president of the company?
⚪Do you find formal business introductions difficult? Why? Why not?
⚪Do you feel nervous when you're being introduced to someone important?
⚪What can you do in order to make a good first impression when being introduced to someone?
⚪What would you do if you had to introduce someone whose name you have forgotten?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Welcome to Golden Shoes!
⚪I’m Harry Smith of/from Golden Shoes.
⚪You must be Mr./Ms. Jackson.
⚪Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.
⚪Would you like something to drink?
⚪Is this your first time in the city?
⚪Did you have any trouble finding us?
⚪Did you find your way here all right?
⚪I can show you around the building, if you'd like.
⚪I could give you a quick tour of the company, if you want.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
- The manager of a company is welcoming a visitor, Mr. Adachi, who has just arrived at the office.
- You must be Mr. Adachi. Welcome to Golden Shoes!
[Akio Adachi]
- Thank you.
- I’m Hank Potter, the manager of this company.
[Akio Adachi]
- So, you’re the person I’ve talked with over the phone, is that right?
- That is correct. It’s great to finally meet you in person.
[Akio Adachi]
- Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Potter!
- How was your flight?
[Akio Adachi]
- It was fine, but it was a very long flight.
- I see. You must be very tired, then. Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink, perhaps a cup of coffee or tea?
[Akio Adachi]
- Some water would be nice. Thank you.
- Right away. So, is this your first time in the city?
[Akio Adachi]
- Yes, this is my first time here.
- I hope you didn't have any problems finding us.
[Akio Adachi]
- No, not at all. Your directions were very clear. This is a lovely space you have here. Have you been in this location long?
- No, we actually just moved into this building a few months ago. After the meeting, I can show you around the building, if you'd like.
[Akio Adachi]
- Yes, I'd love that! Thank you.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What company was Mr. Adachi visiting?
⚪Does Mr. Adachi already know the manager?
⚪What will Mr. Adachi do after the meeting?
⚪Have you ever welcomed a visitor to a company that you worked for?
⚪What should be done to make new employees feel comfortable and welcome?
⚪How important is reputation in business?
⚪What companies have a good reputation in your opinion?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Do you mind if I sit here?
⚪Is anyone sitting here?
⚪What do you think of the conference?
⚪How did you like the presentation?
⚪Great conference, isn't it?
⚪So, what brought you here today?
⚪How did you hear about this event?
⚪I really must be going.
⚪It was great talking to you.
⚪It was nice meeting you.
⚪Enjoy the rest of the day.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Alicia is sitting on a bench in front of the convention center where a conference has been held. Alex approaches her and asks if he could take a seat.
- Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?
- No, not at all. Go ahead.
- Ah, you are also attending the conference, am I right? I think I saw you there.
- Yes, that’s right.
- I’m Alex. It’s nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too, Alex. I'm Alicia.
- So, what do you think of the conference? How did you like the keynote speaker?
- Well... His presentation was quite interesting, but I think it was a bit long.
- I agree. You can tell that he is really knowledgeable about the topic, but he talked too much.
- Absolutely. It's impossible to stay focused for that long.📌stay focused+前置詞「に集中力を保つ」
- That's true.
- But overall, I really like the conference, so far. There were a lot of innovative ideas presented today. And I think tomorrow will be even better.
- Yes, from what I've seen in the conference program, there should be some interesting discussions tomorrow. Let's just hope they will not last as long as today.
- I sure hope so! Oh, I really must be going. It's already 6 pm!
- Yes, I guess I should be going as well. Anyway, it was nice meeting you.
- Yeah, it was good talking to you! And see you tomorrow, then!
- See you! Enjoy the rest of the day!
- You, too!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪How did Alex start the conversation with Alicia?
⚪What did Alicia think of the keynote speaker?
⚪What do they expect the next day of the conference to be like?
⚪Do you find it easy to start conversations with strangers? Why? Why not?
⚪When was the last time you had a conversation with a stranger?
⚪What do you think about business networking events? Have you ever been to one?
⚪Have you ever attended a business/academic conference? If so, what was it like? If not, would you like to?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Hello, How may I help?
⚪J&M Imports, Joanna Collins speaking, how can I help you?
⚪Can I have your name, sir/madam?
⚪May I ask who’s calling, please?
⚪I'm sorry, I didn’t get your name.
⚪Could you spell that for me, please?
⚪Would you mind spelling that for me?
⚪Where are you calling from?
⚪Can you please tell me where you are calling from?
⚪Just a moment, please.
⚪Could you wait for a moment, please?
⚪I’ll try to put you through.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Adachi is trying to reach Mr. Carter. His secretary answers the phone.
- J&M Imports, Joanna Collins speaking. How may I help you?
[Akio Adachi]
- Hello! May I speak with Mr. Carter?
- Can I have your name, sir?
[Akio Adachi]
- My name is Akio Adachi.
- Would you mind spelling that for me?
[Akio Adachi]
- Akio Adachi. That's A-K-I-O A-D-A-C-H-I.
- Thank you, sir. And where are you calling from?
[Akio Adachi]
- I'm calling from HCA Shipping.
- Ok, Mr. Adachi, I’ll try to put you through. Kindly wait for a few seconds.
[Akio Adachi]
- Thank you very much!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Which company did Mr. Adachi call?
⚪What information did Mr. Adachi have to provide?
⚪What company does Mr. Adachi work for?
⚪In your line of work, do you have to make many phone calls?📌line of work「仕事の種類、どんな仕事をしているのか」を表すときに使うフレーズ。line of work=Type of work=Kind of work
⚪Do you prefer to talk on the phone or face-to-face?
⚪Is your behavior different when making business phone calls, compared with informal calls? How so?
⚪Have you ever had to deal with a rude customer/client on the phone?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Taking a Message
⚪How may I be of assistance?
⚪I’m afraid the line is engaged.
⚪I’m afraid the line is busy.
⚪I’m afraid he is in a meeting.
⚪I’m afraid she is not available at the moment.
⚪I'm sorry, he is out of the office today.
⚪Can I put you on hold?😒on hold「保留」、put A on hold「Aを保留にする」
⚪Can I take a message?
⚪Would you like to leave a message?
⚪Could you give me your number, please?
⚪I'll make sure he gets the message.
⚪Leaving a Message
⚪May I speak with Mr. Clarke, please?
⚪I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.
⚪When do you expect him back in the office?「彼はいつオフィスに戻りますか?」📌「When do you expect...」という言い方。expectは[予定]や[予兆]などのバックグラウンドがあって当然「こうだろう」と感じるときに使う単語なので、youは...のことを知っているであろう立場の人で、意味は「いつ...の予定ですか?」となります。
⚪I need to speak with him on an urgent matter.「彼と緊急の案件について話をする必要がある」📌speak on「について話す」「の話しを続ける」speak with someone on somethingで「someoneとsomethingの話をする」
⚪May I leave a message?
⚪Would it be possible to leave a message?
⚪Please tell him that...
⚪Please ask him to call me as soon as he gets in.「彼が着いたらすぐに電話をくれるように伝えてくれ。」📌get in「(人が家や会社に)着く」
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Smith is calling to inform Mr. Clarke of something important.
- Good morning, this is Happy Marketing. How may I be of assistance?
[Mark Smith]
- I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.
- May I ask who's calling?
[Mark Smith]
- This is Mr. Smith from the ACE Solutions company.
- Mr. Smith, I'm afraid the line is engaged at the moment. Can I put you on hold?😒on hold「保留」、put A on hold「Aを保留にする」
[Mark Smith]
- I'm afraid I have to go now, and I really needed to talk to him on an urgent matter...
- Would you like to leave a message, then?
[Mark Smith]
- That would be great. Please tell him that we revised the terms of the contract and that we sent the document 2 days ago through e-mail. He needs to check it as soon as possible and then get back to us. If he did not receive the e-mail, please tell him to call my secretary and she will re-send it.
- Duly noted, Mr. Smith. Could you give me that phone number, please?📌Duly noted.「了解しました/かしこまりました/承知しました」
[Mark Smith]
- Yes, it’s 043-865-4821.
- Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. I will make sure Mr. Clarke gets your message as soon as possible.このフレーズ練習要!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Did Mr. Smith manage to talk to Mr. Clarke?
⚪What did Mr. Smith decide to do?
⚪What did Mr. Smith want to tell Mr. Clarke?
⚪In your line of work, do you often have to relay messages?
⚪What do you think is the hardest part about taking messages?
⚪What kind of skills must a good receptionist have?
⚪If the person you are calling is not available, do you usually leave a message? Why? Why not?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪I'd like to place an order.
⚪We're going to need...
⚪Do you have it in stock?📌in stock「在庫ありの」【反意語】out of stock
⚪What kind of shipping do you provide?
⚪What's the estimated delivery date?
⚪When can we expect to receive the items?
⚪How long does it take for delivery?
⚪Would it be possible to deliver them by Monday?
⚪We would appreciate it if...
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Smith is calling Mr. Abbott from Office Best to place an order for some office furniture.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Office Best, Jonathan Abbott speaking. How may I help you?
[Mark Smith]
- Hello, Mr. Abbott. This is Mark Smith from Future Innovation. I recently visited your showroom, and I was impressed with your latest office collection. I'd like to place an order, if possible.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Of course, sir. What would you like to order?
[Mark Smith]
- We're going to need 20 office chairs and 10 desks from your Linear collection.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Understood. I believe we have enough units available in the warehouse, but I will have to check to make sure. Is there anything else you would like to purchase?
[Mark Smith]
- Not for now.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Okay, great. Could you give me your email, please?
[Mark Smith]
- Yes, it's marksmith@gmail.com. And one more thing. What kind of shipping do you provide? When can we expect to receive the items?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- We offer Standard and Express shipping. It takes 5 to 7 working days to deliver the goods with the Standard option. If you choose Express shipping, we can have your items delivered within 3 working days.
[Mark Smith]
- Hmm, would it be possible to deliver them by Monday with Express shipping? We are moving into a new office and we would appreciate it if we could have everything ready by then.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I will have to check with our shipping company, but It's likely that we can manage to do that.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, please let me know.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Will do. Thank you, sir!📌一般的な提案やお願いにポジティブなレスポンスをするときは:okey=will do、日程などの提案にポジティブなレスポンスをするときは:okey=will do=work
[Mark Smith]
- Thank you!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Why is Mr. Smith purchasing items from Office Best?
⚪What shipping options does Office Best provide?
⚪Why does Mr. Smith need the items delivered by next Monday?
⚪What type of shipment do you prefer when ordering goods? Why?
⚪What would you do if the goods you ordered did not arrive at the scheduled time?
⚪What can you say about customer satisfaction?
⚪Have you ever visited a showroom?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
- Making an Apology
⚪I am deeply sorry.
⚪I am sincerely sorry.
⚪I am terribly sorry.
⚪I’m very sorry for...
⚪I must apologize for...
⚪Please accept my apologies for...
⚪My apologies, sir/madam.
⚪I didn’t realize that...
⚪I didn't mean to...
⚪I now realize that I should have...
⚪I assure you it will not happen again.
- Responding to an Apology
⚪It’s all right.
⚪No problem.
⚪I understand.
⚪Don't worry about it.
⚪No harm done.
⚪I accept your apology.
⚪Apology accepted.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Matt was told to submit the sales report before the deadline, but he failed to do so. He was called by his direct Manager.
- Matt, please have a seat.
- Thank you, sir.
- As you already know, I asked you to submit the sales report by the end of last week. And I still haven't received it. What happened?
- Yes, sir, I'm terribly sorry about that. I was planning to finish it on Friday, but I got caught up with another task. When I realized that I would not be able to finish it, I decided to leave it for the weekend. However, I had to attend to some personal matters during the weekend, so I failed to submit it. I'm really sorry about this, sir. Please accept my sincere apologies.
- Okay, I understand, but you need to know your priorities. If I ask you to do something by a certain time, I expect it to be completed. And you need to let me know if anything else gets in the way.📌get in the way of…【慣】じゃまをする ※the は所有冠詞のmyなどに変えて使える💡すでに邪魔な状態になっているならgetではなくbe動詞を使いますbe in the way.💡if anything else gets in the way.という言い方はそのまま暗記要。
- Yes, sir. Once again, I am very sorry. I now realize that I should have talked to you about it on Friday, when I received the other task.
- That’s all right for now, but I hope this won't happen again, Matt.📌That’s all for now.「今のところ以上です」
- Thank you very much, sir. I can assure you that it will not happen again. I am almost done with the report and will submit it in a few hours.
- Thank you, Matt!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Why did Matt fail to submit his sales report on time?
⚪What other task was Matt working on?
⚪Did Matt's manager accept his apology?
⚪Is apologizing easy or difficult for you? Why?
⚪Can you think of an instance in which you had to apologize to your boss or colleague? What happened?
⚪Why do you think some people struggle with apologies?
⚪Do you find it hard to accept other people's apologies?
【Showing Interest and Appreciation】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
- Showing Interest
⚪How's your day going so far?
⚪Has your day been busy so far?
⚪What are you working on?
⚪How is it coming along?
⚪I think you did a nice/great job with/on ...
- Expressing Appreciation
⚪Thanks for all your help.
⚪I really appreciate your help.
⚪Thanks a million.
⚪Many thanks for your help.
⚪I couldn’t have done it without you.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Nina and Alex are having a conversation in the office.
- Hey, Alex. What are you working on?
- I’m making some charts for my presentation next week. Do you want to see them?
- Sure!
⚪Alex shows Nina the charts he's created so far.
- Nice! You're really good at this. I think you did a great job with the last presentation. I bet this one will look great, too!
- Oh, thanks! I really appreciate your feedback. So, how's your day going so far?
- Not that great, actually. I am a bit stressed about this report I have to prepare for one of our investors.
- What kind of report are you making? Perhaps I can help you with something?
- Well, come to think of it, maybe you could help me prepare some charts to reflect the stats I gathered. Since you're so good at it.
- Sure thing! Just give me a few minutes to wrap this up.
- Wow, thanks, Alex! I wouldn't be able to do it without you.
- Oh, I'm sure you would manage just fine!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What is Alex working on?
⚪Why is Nina stressed?
⚪How can Alex help her?
⚪Do you usually check up on your colleagues to see how they're doing? Why? Why not?
⚪Does your job require a lot of collaboration? Why? Why not?
⚪Do you help your colleagues with their tasks on a regular basis? Why? Why not?
⚪Do you feel comfortable asking your colleagues for help? Why? Why not?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
- Asking About a Product
⚪What can you tell us about this model/product?
⚪What are the specifications of the product?
⚪What features does it have?
⚪How does it work?
⚪What is the difference between the previous model and this one?
⚪Can you give us some details about this?
⚪How much does it cost?
- Describing a Product
⚪This is our newest product.
⚪This is one of our latest designs.
⚪This particular model is ...
⚪It is made of ...
⚪This is equipped with ...
⚪This one features ...
⚪It can be used for ...
⚪It contains ...
⚪This costs $500.
⚪This is priced at $500.
⚪This comes with ...
⚪It comes in a variety of colors/sizes.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪A sales agent from Bright Communications is presenting their latest product at a conference. Some of the guests are asking questions about it.
- Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here and present to you our newest product, the X-plora phone. Dare I say, it is a revolutionary device, better than anything you've seen so far!
- What is the difference between the previous model, and this one?
- This version is two times faster than the last model we produced.
- And what can you tell us about the specifications of this phone?
- The X-plora phone features a 41-megapixel camera. This particular model is also waterproof and its battery life will be longer compared with other brands and models.
- Can you give us some details about this? What supports your statement about the battery life?
- The phone is equipped with a battery protector and battery saver, and it also comes with a solar charger.
- I admit that's rather extraordinary! Do you believe it will sell as well as the last model?
- Absolutely!
- How much will it cost?
- This model is priced at 500 US dollars. However, we are giving a 50-dollar discount to the first twenty buyers. Thank you, everyone!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪How is the new phone different from the previous version, according to the agent?
⚪What is so special about the phone's battery?
⚪How many people can buy the phone for lower than the market price?
⚪Have you ever had to convince someone to buy something?
⚪What skills does one need in order to be a successful salesperson?
⚪How would you promote a new product? What marketing methods would you employ?
⚪What are the main features/specifications you take into consideration when purchasing a cell phone?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪I shall call for a meeting.
⚪I'd like to set up a meeting for next week.
⚪I need to schedule a meeting with the Marketing Team.
⚪The focus of the agenda will be on...
⚪The purpose of this meeting is to...
⚪I'd like to discuss/prepare/present/examine/finalize...
⚪I'd like to propose...
⚪Can you check if... would work for everyone?
⚪I've prepared an agenda.
⚪Can you please share the agenda with all the attendees?
⚪Please make it a priority to circulate this information.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Abbott is asking his secretary to schedule a meeting for him.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I'd like to set up a meeting with the Board of Directors.
- Okay, sir. When would you like to schedule the meeting?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I'd like to propose Monday, April 2nd, at 9 am. Could you please check if that works for everyone? If not, any time until 1 pm on the same day would be fine.
- Noted, sir. What will be the purpose of the meeting?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- The focus of the agenda will be on the expansion of our business operations. I'd like to discuss our options and establish the course of action.
- Very well, sir.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I'll prepare an agenda and send it to you shortly, so you can share it with all the attendees.
- All right. Anything else, sir?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- That would be all for now. Thank you. And, please, make it a priority to circulate this information.📌That’s all for now.「今のところ以上です」That would be all for now.「今のところ以上だろう」
- Understood.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Who is going to attend the meeting?
⚪What is the purpose of the meeting?
⚪Did Mr. Abbott prepare an agenda for the meeting?
⚪What kinds of meetings do you usually attend?
⚪How often do you have meetings? Do you enjoy attending them? Why? Why not?
⚪How do you usually schedule meetings: via email, phone or in person? Why?
⚪Do you think regular meetings are necessary? Why? Why not?
【Conducting a Business Meeting】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪I'd like to welcome everyone to the meeting.
⚪I'd like to thank you all for coming today.
⚪The purpose of today's meeting is...
⚪The meeting has been called to discuss...
⚪Our aim today is to...
⚪Let's go over the main points of the last meeting.
⚪Let's go over the minutes from our last meeting.
⚪Who would like to begin/go first?
⚪Any questions or comments?😒苦手!
⚪Does anyone have a question?😒苦手!
⚪Are there any further questions?😒苦手!
⚪Does anyone else have anything to add?😒苦手!
⚪The next meeting will be on...
⚪Thank you all for attending.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪A company's meeting is about to start.
- Good morning, everyone! First, I'd like to thank all of you for coming today. As you already know, this meeting has been called to discuss ways to improve our recruitment practices. Camille, will you take the minutes today?
- Certainly, sir.
- All right. Before we begin, let's quickly go over the main points of our last meeting. Alex, could you please give us a short summary of our last discussion?
- Yes, sir. Last time, we discussed the sales of our latest product and the performance of our new recruits. Regarding the sales, Mark updated us on the progress of the campaign. As for the performance of the recruits, the meeting concluded with the decision to change our recruitment process.
- Thank you, Alex. So, in today's meeting, I would like to hear your suggestions on what we should do to improve the quality of our recruitment process. Who would like to begin?
- I would like to start, if that's okay. I believe that...
⚪They each present their suggestions and back them up with arguments until a decision is made.📌back them up with argumentsとはback upには「賛同や支持を与える」という意味があり、集まった人たちが協議の上、合意するときにしばしばみられる表現でback them up with argumentsという。
- Does anyone else have anything to add? No one? Okay, then, I guess we are done for today. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26 at 9 am. Thank you all for attending and for your contributions.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What was the purpose of the meeting?
⚪What did they discuss during the last meeting?
⚪What decision did they make during the last meeting regarding recruitment?
⚪Have you ever conducted a meeting? If so, how did it go?
⚪What is the role of the chairman at a meeting?
⚪What kind of skills or characteristics should a good chairperson have?
⚪What are the biggest obstacles to conducting an effective meeting?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Have you all received a copy of the agenda?
⚪You should all have a copy of the agenda before you.
⚪There are three items on the agenda.
⚪Let's start with the first item.
⚪The first item on our agenda today is ...
⚪If you don't mind, I'd like to skip ... and move on to ...
⚪I suggest, we discuss ... last.
⚪If no one has anything else to add, let's move on to ...
⚪We're running short of time.
⚪We'll have to leave that until another time.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Smith is opening a meeting.
[Mark Smith]
- Good morning, everyone! Let’s get started. You should all have a copy of the agenda before you. As you can see, we have four items on the agenda today. But before we begin, let's review the minutes from the last meeting which was held on October 15th. Saya, could you please summarize the main points of the last meeting?
- Of course, Mr. Smith. We began the meeting by approving the changes in our sales reporting system discussed on August 30th. After that, we moved on to a brainstorming session concerning after-sales customer support improvements. You'll find a copy of the main ideas developed and discussed in this session in the photocopies in front of you.
[Mark Smith]
- Thank you, Saya. So, if there are no questions about that, let's move on to today's agenda. The first item on our agenda is the Leon project. Alex, could you tell us how the project is coming along?
- Yes, sir. I am happy to say that we managed to reach our targets for the last month. We decided to set our targets higher for this month and we're positive we will be able to meet them as well. Here is the full report of our progress.
⚪Alex hands in the report.
[Mark Smith]
- Thank you, Alex. That's very good news. Any questions about this project? Okay, then let's move on to the next item. If you don't mind, I'd like to skip item 2 and move on to item 3: “Sales improvement in rural market areas”, as we are running short of time. Sam has kindly agreed to give us a report on this matter. Let’s listen to him.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What had been discussed during their last meeting?
⚪How is the Leon project progressing?
⚪Why did Mr. Smith decide to skip item 2?
⚪If you were going to conduct a meeting, how would you prepare?
⚪Have you ever made an agenda for a meeting? If so, how was it? Did you find it difficult?
⚪Why is it important to have an agenda for a meeting?
⚪What kind of items should be discussed first in a meeting?
【Negotiating with a Client Company】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Let’s not waste time.
⚪What I have in mind is a win-win situation for both of us.📌What I have in mind「私が思っていること(私のアイディア)」、What you have in mind「あなたが思っていること(あなたのアイディア)」
⚪How much of a discount would you be willing to offer?
⚪We are looking for a longtime partner.
⚪You drive a hard bargain!📌drive a hard bargain「価格交渉で大きな利を期待すること」「酷く値切る」
⚪The competition is fierce.
⚪We are evaluating offers from other companies, as well.
⚪I'm afraid that is not an option.
⚪I am afraid that might not be enough to close the deal.😏I am afraid that might not be enough to do something;これは覚えておいて損はない言い方だ!
⚪That is my last word.
⚪That is my final offer.
⚪It is always a pleasure doing business with you.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Smith is negotiating with a supplier company.
[Mark Smith]
- Thank you for coming to talk to me today, Ms. Jackson. Let’s not waste each other’s time and let's go straight to the topic.
[Ellen Jackson]
- I agree, Mr. Smith. What can I do for you?
[Mark Smith]
- I would like to suggest a deal. What I have in mind is, I believe, a win-win situation for both of us.
[Ellen Jackson]
- Please, do go on, Mr. Smith. You have my full attention.
[Mark Smith]
- We are establishing a new office in Tokyo, and we are interested in purchasing a large amount of goods from your company. Of course, provided that you give us a good offer.😒provided that「~という条件で、~という場合は」(as long asに使い方は酷似している)
[Ellen Jackson]
- What amount approximately are we talking about?
[Mark Smith]
- We would need around 500 tables and twice that of chairs, as well as some other office furniture. We will decide on the exact numbers no later than next Thursday.
[Ellen Jackson]
- I see. We could definitely offer a discount for such an amount of goods. And what about the delivery? When would you want the order to be shipped?
[Mark Smith]
- We would like the goods delivered by the end of the month.😒文法注意!would like toとはなっていないので、「the goods deliveredを月末までに欲しい」と言っている。
[Ellen Jackson]
- That is quite soon, Mr. Smith, it will be tight. I am afraid we would not be able to offer a big discount in that case. Would it be possible to have the order shipped at a later date?
[Mark Smith]
- I'm afraid that is not an option for us. We need to get the office ready, so we can start working from the beginning of next month.
[Ellen Jackson]
- I see.
[Mark Smith]
- So, how much of a discount would you be willing to offer? I know that this is on short notice, but I'd like to add that we are on the hunt for a longtime partner.📌be on the hunt for... ...を捜索中で
[Ellen Jackson]
- Well, with that mentioned, I could offer about 5% off for the upcoming purchase and maybe a little bit more after the contract for a longer term relationship is signed.
[Mark Smith]
- I am afraid that might not be enough to close the deal. We are evaluating offers from other suppliers, too.
[Ellen Jackson]
- You drive a hard bargain! I guess competition is fierce these days. What about a fixed rate of 7% discount? That is my last word.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, deal! Thank you very much. It is always a pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Jackson.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What conditions did Ms. Jackson initially offer?
⚪What did Mr. Smith say in order to get more benefits from the deal?
⚪What conditions did Ms. Jackson offer in the end?
⚪Have you ever taken part in negotiations? If so, how did they go?
⚪What qualities does a person need in order to be a good negotiator?
⚪How well do you negotiate? Why?
⚪Do you think business negotiations are difficult? Why? Why not?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Let's cut to the chase.📌cut to the chase「遠回しな言い方をやめる」
⚪I don't like to beat around the bush.📌beat around the bush「遠回しな言い方をする」
⚪I prefer to get straight to the point.📌get straight to the point「単刀直入に言う」
⚪I'd like to propose a joint venture.
⚪What are the risks involved?📌What are the risks involved?「リスクには何が関係してますか?(何がリスクになりますか?)」
⚪That is open for discussion.
⚪What I suggest is...
⚪I might have to consult with...
⚪I'm not sure that is the best offer we can get.
⚪We're going to have to look for other companies' offers.
⚪Let's not make any rash decisions.
⚪I'm sorry but we can't drop our prices any lower than...
⚪That is as low as we can go.📌as low as we can go「許可される最低の」go≒ be acceptable or suitable
⚪The deal is settled then.📌The deal is settled then「それじゃあ、取引成立(決定)です。」thenは文末に着けると「それじゃあ/ってことは」という意味になる。It's settled then「じゃっ、これで決まり!」That's settled then「じゃっ、それで決まり!」
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Abbot from Insider Telecommunications is negotiating with an electronics company.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Good to see you again, Mr. Smith. Please make yourself comfortable.
[Mark Smith]
- Thank you for inviting me here. I'm afraid I don't have much time today, as my schedule is tight, so, let's cut to the chase. What can I do for you?📌cut to the chase「遠回りをせずに核心部分をすぐ話す」
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I have invited you here because I'd like to propose a joint venture, that I believe, will make a steady stream of revenue for both of our companies.📌make a steady stream of revenue「安定した利益を生む」
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, you have got me interested. What kind of venture do you have in mind?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- We’ve just launched a new product – a SIM card with extra memory to store more phone numbers and other data. Our plan is to sell them together with economy class smartphones.
[Mark Smith]
- I'd like to hear more about this proposal. What exactly would be our role in this venture and what are the risks involved?📌What are the risks involved?「リスクには何が関係してますか?(何がリスクになりますか?)」
[Jonathan Abbott]
- There are no risks on your side. For the beginning, we would like to buy a number of your smartphones and sell them together with our new SIM cards. Then, if all goes well, we could think of a way to bring the two products closer together, and sell them as a single entity. But that is open for discussion.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, that sounds reasonable. Well, the price for our most popular economy class smartphone is $260 per item. We could give you a huge discount if you make the payment in advance. Let’s say... $200 per phone?
[Jonathan Abbott]
- You run a tight ship here. I did not even start to negotiate and you have already offered us your conditions!📌run a tight ship「ビジネスで上手をとる(場を支配する)」
[Mark Smith]
- Well, you have negotiated with us before... You know that we don't like to beat around the bush and prefer to get straight to the point.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Yes, and that's why we like doing business with you. Still, I am not sure we would be able to make the full payment in advance. What I suggest is paying half in advance and half after the first week of the sales.
[Mark Smith]
- I might have to consult with my partner about these conditions. But in that case, we would not be able to offer such a big discount. Without paying in advance, we could agree on $210 per phone.
[Jonathan Abbott]
- I'm not sure that is the best offer we can get. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to look for other companies' offers, before accepting this deal.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, let's not make any rash decisions. Please give me a few minutes and I'll see if there is anything I can do.
⚪Mr. Smith calls his partner to consult with him.
[Mark Smith]
- All right, we can offer $203 per phone, that is as low as we can go. How does that sound to you?📌as low as we can go「許可される最低の」go≒ be acceptable or suitable
[Jonathan Abbott]
- Now that's something we can agree on. The deal is settled then. It's nice doing business with you.📌The deal is settled then「それじゃあ、取引成立(決定)です。」thenは文末に着けると「それじゃあ/ってことは」という意味になる。It's settled then「じゃっ、これで決まり!」That's settled then「じゃっ、それで決まり!」
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What kind of a business venture did Mr. Abbott propose to Mr. Smith?
⚪What conditions did Mr. Smith offer at first?
⚪What did they agree on in the end?
⚪What are some strategies that can be used in negotiations?
⚪Do you think negotiation skills can be learned?
⚪What do you think are the advantages of a joint venture?
⚪What are some things to consider before starting a joint venture?
place an order(お客側)⇔processing an order(お店側)
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Could you give me a minute?
⚪Let me check if we have it in the storeroom.
⚪Please give me your name and your shipping address.
⚪Would you prefer standard or expedited shipping?
⚪Your order is pending.
⚪You should receive an email within a couple of minutes.
⚪Thank you for using our services.
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Nina, an employee in an online shop, answers a call from Nathan.
- Hello, CS Shop, Nina speaking. How may I help you?
- Hello, I would like to check if you currently have an Ibanez 275 JK acoustic guitar?
- Could you give me a minute? I will have to check. Was it Ibanez 275 JK acoustic?
- Yes, that's right.
- We do have it, but there is just one model left. It would be better to order it now since this model is very popular and I'm not sure if we will manage to order more once we are out of stock.
- Okay, in that case, I'd like to order it right away.
- All right. Could you please give me your full name and the shipping address?
- It's Nathan Baker. And the address is 25 Medieval Street, Manhattan, United States.
- Okay, so it's Nathan Baker, 25 Medieval Street, Manhattan. Is that correct? Also, would you prefer standard or expedited shipping?
- That is correct. I'd like to use expedited shipping. Can I pay in cash?
- Yes, you can pay in cash on delivery. However, for paying in cash we add 2% tax for proceeding with the transaction later on. On the other hand, if you pay via bank transaction, you can save up to 4% of the price. We give discounts for bank transactions since it makes the whole process easier.
- Okay, you have persuaded me! I will pay via bank transaction. Could you send me the payment details via email?
- Of course, sir. Also you will need to submit a purchase order via email in order to confirm the order, for now your order is pending. Could you give me your email address?
- My email is nathanbaker@yahoo.com. Did you catch that?
- Yes, thank you. Okay, I have just sent an email to you. You should receive it within a couple of minutes. And thank you so much for using our services.
- Thank you, as well!
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What did Nathan order?
⚪What did Nathan change his mind about and why?
⚪What is the status of his order?
⚪Do you often shop online? What do you usually buy online?
⚪What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
⚪Have you ever had any bad experiences with online shopping? What happened?
⚪Do you prefer ordering items via phone or on the internet? Why?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪Thank you for meeting me here today.
⚪It's nice to meet you at long last.📌at last「やっと」、at long last「(長い努力の末)やっと」
⚪I appreciate you working me into your schedule.📌work someone/something into ...「を...にうまく取り入れる/組み込む/挿入する」
⚪I’ve heard so much about you!
⚪I am looking forward to doing business with you.
⚪We have mostly communicated through emails.
⚪Speaking of which,...
⚪...will join us shortly.
⚪Shall we order?
⚪Let’s get down to business.📌Let’s get down to business「さあ、本題に入ろう/仕事にとりかかろう」Let’s get down to it「さあ、本題に入ろう/とりかかろう」
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Mr. Smith invited Mr. Adachi for a business lunch, to introduce their new accountant to him and to discuss their future relationship.
[Mark Smith]
- Mr. Adachi, thank you for meeting me here today. I really appreciate you working me into your schedule.📌work someone/something into ...「を...にうまく取り入れる/組み込む/挿入する」
[Akio Adachi]
- Nice to meet you in person at long last. I think we have mostly communicated through our secretaries and accountants.
[Mark Smith]
- True. Speaking of which, I would like to introduce our new accountant that will take care of the things between our companies from now on. However, she seems to be a little bit late. But I'm sure that she will join us shortly.📌Speaking of which,「そういえば」≒ by the way
[Akio Adachi]
- Not that we are in a hurry. By the way, I heard that you have just returned from your vacation, how was it?
[Mark Smith]
- Yes, it was great, I visited Hawaii for the first time. I really needed some time to relax and clear my mind, so I could come back to work fresh and rested.
[Akio Adachi]
- Yes, we all need some time off to recharge our batteries. Shall we order some drinks while we're waiting?
[Mark Smith]
- That's a good idea.
⚪A few minutes later, Mr. Smith's accountant, Nina, joins them at the restaurant.
[Mark Smith]
- Mr. Adachi, I would like to introduce to you our new accountant, Ms. Nina Roberts.
[Akio Adachi]
- It is a pleasure to meet you. I am looking forward to doing business with you.
- It's great to finally meet you, Mr. Adachi. I’ve heard so much about you! And I'm really sorry for being late, the traffic was terrible.
[Akio Adachi]
- No problem, Ms. Roberts. I'm glad that you could make it.
[Mark Smith]
- Okay, so, since we are all here now, and we don't have much time left, let's get down to business.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Why did Mr. Smith and Mr. Adachi meet for a business lunch?
⚪What did the two of them talk about while waiting for Nina?
⚪Why was Nina late for the meeting?
⚪Have you ever been to a business lunch? How did it go?
⚪Do you think lunches provide good opportunities to talk business? Why? Why not?
⚪How is having a business lunch different from a standard meeting?
⚪Are business lunches a common practice in your country? Why?
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪If I may speak/If I may ask...📌If I may,「よろしければ/失礼ですが」と言って、一旦ポーズしてから、自分の意見を言う、という感じの使い方。If I may speak「失礼ですが、言わせていただくならば」If I may ask「失礼ですが、お伺いすると」
⚪As you might know/As you know...📌As you might know「ご存じかもしれませんが」、As you know「ご存じの通り」は使わないこと「知らねーよ」と気分を害される恐れあり。
⚪As for...📌as for「に関しては」
⚪Now, regarding the...
⚪You are correct on all points.
⚪That is well thought through.
⚪The sooner we..., the better.📌The sooner, the better「早ければ早いに越したことは無い」
⚪I couldn’t agree more.📌I couldn’t agree more.「大賛成です。全く同感です」これ以上の共感は無いということだからポジティブな意味です。
⚪from now on📌from now on今からしばらくの間(いつまでというのはぼんやりしており、それなりの長さ)、よって「今から映画を見る」のようなぼほ「今」には使えない。
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪Ms. Jackson of Digital Photography and her associates are discussing the details of their merger with Photo Supply with their representative, Mr. Adachi.
[Ellen Jackson]
- Good morning, everyone. Since we are all here, let's start the meeting. We are here today to discuss merging with Photo Supply. Their representative, Mr. Adachi, is here with us today. As you may know, our company is not at its best these days. Competition is harsh and despite all of our efforts, we are still struggling to make the ends meet. Thus, as you all know, we've decided to merge with Photo Supply, to unify our businesses as one single brand. So, I'd like to start by asking if any of you has any questions about this merger.📌not at one's best「困難や苦境にいること」要するにベストなポジションにいないこと
- I do, if I may. So, the way I understand it, we will have to start all over again. I imagine our company’s name will be changed, isn’t that right? Also, where will our company be based? I assume we will have to share the building.
[Ellen Jackson]
- Yes, you are correct on all points. The first thing that we need to discuss is the company's name. As for the building, from what I know, we still haven't decided on the exact location. Is that right, Mr. Adachi?
[Akio Adachi]
- Yes, that is correct. We will be sharing a building, as we cannot afford to throw money around on the rent. We need to think carefully about each of our next moves and try to cut our expenses as much as possible. Currently, we are looking for a building that will be big enough for our business and all of our employees. As soon as we decide on the location, you will be notified.
[Ellen Jackson]
- All right, thank you Mr. Adachi for clearing that up. Now, regarding the name issue. We need to come up with an idea for the name of our company as soon as possible. Without the name we cannot start handling the legal procedures. So, let's set up a meeting for next week to brainstorm ideas and decide on the name. In the meantime, I'd like everyone to start thinking about it and come to the meeting prepared.
[Akio Adachi]
- That is well thought through. What about marketing? We need to start advertising our new company as soon as the name issue is settled. I believe we have a very good marketing team at Photo Supply. They can start working on our first marketing campaign.
[Ellen Jackson]
- Sounds good. We also have a few professionals who might be able to contribute, so they can start working with your team on that. The sooner we start working together, the better.
[Akio Adachi]
- I couldn’t agree more.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪What was the purpose of this meeting?
⚪What has been decided regarding the name of the company?
⚪Who will deal with the marketing campaign?
⚪What are the most common reasons for mergers & acquisitions?
⚪Have you ever been involved with a merger or acquisition? if so, how did it go?
⚪What are the possible advantages of mergers & acquisitions?
⚪What about the disadvantages?
【Handling Customer Complaints】
🔹Useful Expressions🔹
⚪ What seems to be the problem exactly?
⚪ Would you mind giving me some more details?
⚪ I'm terribly sorry about that.
⚪ I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.
⚪ Thank you so much for letting us know about this.
⚪ I completely understand how you feel.
⚪ I understand your position.
⚪ I’m going to see how we can make this better for you.
⚪ Please rest assured that...📌rest assured「安心してください、ご安心を!」何か良くないことが解決されたような場面で、「もう安心してください、もう二度とこんなことは起こりませんよ」
⚪ We will make sure that/ensure that…
⚪ To make up for this/To compensate you for...
⚪ Due to the inconvenience we have caused you…
⚪ I would like to offer...
⚪ Would you possibly be willing to accept...?📌Would you possiblyやWould you kindlyはかなり丁寧なお願いのしかた。Would you possibly be willing to accept...?「可能でしたらご許可いただけないでしょうか?」
🔹Dialogue Practice🔹
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
⚪The secretary of Golden Shoes, Nicole, is dealing with a complaint.
- Good morning! Golden Shoes, Nicole speaking. How may I help you?
- I want to talk to the company manager.
- I am sorry, but he is out of the office today. Would you like to leave a message? Or, perhaps I can be of assistance?
- Well, maybe you can. I want to make a complaint about one of your workers. He was terribly rude and unprofessional.
- I am very sorry to hear that. Would you mind giving me some more details? What happened exactly?
- Yesterday I was in one of your shops. I was trying on some shoes and I wanted to ask the salesperson a few questions, but he had his earphones on and was listening to music. He could barely hear when I called him!📌have one's something on「(何かを)身に着けている」例えば例文はhe had his earphones onだがonの後ろにはhis earsが省略されている。一般的にearphoneやgrassisなど分かり切ったものはonの後ろを省略する。😒苦手で練習が必要な言い方→I was trying on some shoes.「いくつかの靴を試着していた」
- I'm terribly sorry about that. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and it will not be tolerated. Thank you so much for letting us know about this. May I ask for the address of the shop to identify the worker?
- It was the shop on the corner of Crimson Street. But that's not the end of the story! When he packed the shoes I purchased, he placed two shoes of different sizes in the box! I only noticed it when I came back home. So I went back to the store to return them and to get the right size, but he said that my size was out of stock!
- I completely understand how you feel, sir, and I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. It seems that we have an intern working in that shop. Please rest assured that he will be sanctioned for violating our rules and regulations. I would like to apologize on his behalf, and on the behalf of the company. We will refund the full price of the shoes you purchased. Also, to make up for this, I would like to offer you a 20% discount on any item that you choose in any of our shops.
- All right, thank you. I am glad to see that at least your management team is doing a decent job.
🔹Check your understanding:🔹
⚪Why did Nathan call the Golden Shoes company?
⚪What did he complain about?
⚪How did the secretary handle the complaint?
⚪Have you ever had to deal with an angry customer? How did it go?
⚪What do you think are the best practices for handling customer complaints?
⚪How can a company benefit from customer complaints?
⚪Is it common in your country to complain about poor service? Why? Why not?
- Sorry sir, may I check your body temperature?「すみません。検温をお願いします。」
- We require all participants to check the body temperature.「我々は全ての来場者に検温をお願いしています。」
- All done, thank you for your cooperation, this way please.「終わりました、協力に感謝します。こちらへどうぞ。」
- I lost my wallet. Was it delivered here?「財布を落としたのですが。 こちらに届いてませんか?」
- Could you wait a moment? I will check it in the warehouse.「少々お待ちください、倉庫を見てまいります。」
- Excuse me, Do you know where is the toilet?「すみません、トイレは何処ですか?」
- Please take the stairs behind you and then turn left.「後ろの階段を下りて左側です。」
- Can I pass this side?「こちらを通っていいですか?」
- Pass the opposite side, please.「反対側をお通りください。」
- Can I park here?「ここに駐車してもいいですか?」
- Sorry, the car-park is full. You are able to park the next car-park.
Back to Business english2 menu↑
⚪Can you put together a deck (on that information)?「書類をまとめてください」😒a deckとはトランプなどのカードゲームで一組を指し、ビジネスの場面では関連する情報の組をdeckとよびput together a deckと言うと一般的には「関連資料をプレゼン形式のアプリでまとめてください」という意味になる。
⚪Can you summarize this information in a deck?「この情報をデックの様式でまとめてください。」😒a deckとはトランプなどのカードゲームで一組を指し、ビジネスの場面では関連する情報の組をdeckとよび一般的にパワーポイントや何らかのプレゼンに使える形式でまとめ上げたファイル。
⚪We need to develop a plan for the campaign.「そのキャンペーンのプランを作成する必要がある」😒develop a plan「プランを作成する」
⚪We need to build a plan for the campaign.「そのキャンペーンのプランを作成する必要がある」😒build a plan「プランを作成する」
⚪We need to put together a plan for the campaign.「そのキャンペーンのプランを作成する必要がある」😒put together a plan「プランを作成する」
⚪We have launched the plan.「計画を開始した。」😒launch「始める」
⚪We have implemented the plan.「計画を実行した。」😒implement「実行する」
⚪Who is going to implement the plan.「誰が計画を実行しますか?」😒implement「実行する」
⚪We need to excute a campaign.「キャンペーンを実施しなければならない」😒execute「実施する」
⚪Can you review this document for me?「この書類を確認してもらえますか?」😒review「確認する」
⚪Can you help review the document and let me know if you have any feedback?「この書類を確認して何か意見があれば教えてくれますか?」😒review「確認する」
⚪Can you provide me feedback?「意見を聞かせてくれますか?」😒feedbackの使い方
⚪Let me know if there is any feedback.「意見があれば教えてください。」😒feedbackの使い方
⚪Can you put together a POV on company A's proposal?「A社の提案についてのPOVを作成してくれますか?」😒POV:Point of view
⚪We need to run this through our client.「この件はクライアントに通す必要がある。」😒run A through B「AをBに通す」
⚪We need to run this through our boss.「この件は上司に通す必要がある。」😒run A through B「AをBに通す」
⚪When is this report due?「これのレポートの締め切りはいつですか?」😒due/due date「締め切り」
⚪When do you want this by?「いつまでにこれが必要ですか?」😒
⚪When would you like to have this by?「いつまでにこれが必要ですか?」😒
- It is due this Wednesday.「水曜締め切りです。」
⚪Can you have this done by EOD?「今日中に仕上げてくれる?」😒EOD:End Of Dayその日の終了までに(営業時間の終了もこれ:一般的に17:00)口頭で言う時はend of dayと略さず言う。📌第五文型の動詞にhaveを使う場合は、ほぼ使役の使い方になります。C(補語)は形容詞や現在分詞、あるいは前置詞句などが付いてきてます。 例:We have drinks prepared.「飲み物を用意してもらってます」この文はpreparedを過去分詞と考えると第三者に準備をさせたことになりますが、形容詞と考えると「飲み物を準備しました。」という意味になります。
⚪I will have this done by EOD.「今日中に仕上げます。」😒EOD:End Of Dayその日の終了までに(営業時間の終了もこれ:一般的に17:00)口頭で言う時はend of dayと略さず言う。📌第五文型の動詞にhaveを使う場合は、ほぼ使役の使い方になります。C(補語)は形容詞や現在分詞、あるいは前置詞句などが付いてきてます。 例:We have drinks prepared.「飲み物を用意してもらってます」この文はpreparedを過去分詞と考えると第三者に準備をさせたことになりますが、形容詞と考えると「飲み物を準備しました。」という意味になります。
⚪We need to turn this project around in 3 days.「このプロジェクトを3日以内に提出する(依頼者に戻す)必要がある。」😒turn~around in...「...以内に~を戻す」例文だと「3日以内にこのプロジェクトを依頼した人に戻す」という意味。
⚪Can you turn this around within this week?「これを今週中に提出して(戻して)。」😒turn~around within...「...以内に~を戻す」例文だと「今週中にこれを私に戻して(依頼した私に戻しなさい)」という意味。
⚪I will IM you.「メッセージ送るよ」😒IM:Instant Message「(チャットアプリなどで)メッセージを送る」
⚪Let me check and I will IM you.「確認してから、メッセージを送らせて。」😒IM:Instant Message「(チャットアプリなどで)メッセージを送る」
⚪I will get back to you.「折り返し返事します。」😒get back to you「折り返し連絡します/あとで電話します」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪Let me get back to you.「折り返し返事をさせてください。」😒get back to you「折り返し連絡します」「あとで電話します」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪I don't have that information with me right now, let me get back to you.「今その情報を持ち合わせておりません。折り返し返事をさせてください。」😒get back to you「折り返し連絡します」「あとで電話します」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪The client gave us a direction this morning.「クライアントから今朝指示が出た。」😒direction指示・方向性
⚪The client changed their direction, and we need to start over the planning.「クライアントの指示が変わったので、プランニングを最初からやり直さなければならない。」😒change direction「方向性が変わる」
⚪Can you PDF this document and print it out for me?「この資料をPDFで保存してプリントしてください。」😒PDF「PDF化し保存する」
⚪Can you export this data to a PDF or an Excel?「このデータ(資料)をPDFまたはExcelで保存してくれませんか?」😒PDF「PDF化し保存する」
⚪Can you Email me the information?「その情報をメールでくれますか?」😒Email「Emailする」例文は第四文型S+V+O+Oで書かれていますね。メールをsendするというような表現ではなく簡単にEmailという動詞を使う。
⚪I will Email you the information.「その情報をメールします。」😒Email「Emailする」例文は第四文型S+V+O+Oで書かれていますね。
gain approval「承認をもらう」
⚪We need to gain cliant's approval.「クライアントの承認が必要だ。」😒gain approval「承認をもらう」
have approval in writing「書面の承認をもらう」
⚪Can we have this approval in writing?「承認を書面にていただけますか?」😒have approval in writing「書面の承認をもらう」😒in writing「書面上に」
⚪Can I get your signature here?「ここに署名いただけますか?」😒signature「署名」/sign「署名する・サインする」
⚪Will you sign here?「ここにサインしてください。」😒signature「署名」/sign「署名する・サインする」
take another look「もう一度確認する」/ double check「再度確認する、しっかりと確認する」/triple check「ものすごく入念にチェックする」
⚪The number looks off, can you take another look and adjust?「数字がおかしい。もう一度確認して調整してくれる?」😒take another look「もう一度確認する」😒looks off「おかしい」
⚪Can you double check?「再度しっかり確認してくれる?」😒double check「再度確認する、しっかりと確認する」
help you with...
⚪Can I help you with anything?「何か手伝いましょうか?」😒help you with...
⚪Is there anything I can help you with?「何か私に手伝いすることがありますか?」😒help you with...
in agreement「同意をする」
⚪Are we in agreement on this topic?「このトピックについて我々は同意(合意)していますか?」😒in agreement「同意をする」
saved in the server
⚪The file is saved in the server.「そのファイルはサーバーに保存されています。」😒saved in the server
⚪Let's have a meeting to brainstorm on this strategy.「この戦略についてブレインストームするミーティングをしよう。」😒brainstorm
Back to Business english2 menu↑
⚪I think you got the wrong number.「おかけ間違いではありませんか」
⚪I think I got the wrong number, sorry.「すみません、かけ間違えました」
⚪Can I put you on hold for a moment/second.「ちょっと保留にしてもいいですか?」😒on hold「保留」、for a moment「一瞬」😒put A on hold「Aを保留にする」
⚪You are breaking up, can you repeat what you just said?「とぎれとぎれなので、もう一度言ってくれますか?」😒be breaking up「とぎれとぎれに聞こえる」=cut in and out「とぎれとぎれ」
⚪You are breaking up, can you say that again?「とぎれとぎれなので、もう一度言ってくれますか?」😒be breaking up「とぎれとぎれに聞こえる」=cut in and out「とぎれとぎれ」
⚪Let me put you on speaker, so all of us can talk.「スピーカーにしていいですか?みんなで話しましょう。」😒put A on speaker「Aとスピーカーで話す」
⚪I'm going into an elevator, I might lose service.「エレベータに乗るので電波が途切れるかもしれません。」😒go into an elevator「エレベータに乗る」、service「(電話)電波」、lose service「電波が切れる」
⚪I can barely hear you, do you mind speaking up a little.「ほとんど聞こえません。もう少し大きな声で話してくれませんか」😒barely「ほとんどない」、speak up「大きな声で話す」
⚪Let me give you a call right back.「すぐにかけなおしますけどいいですか」😒call back「かけなおす」、call right back「すぐかけなおす」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪I'm running out the door, do you mind if I give you a call back later today?「今ちょうど出るところです、後で折り返しでもいいですか?」😒run out the door「急いで出る」、about to step out「ちょうど出るところ」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪I'm about to step out, do you mind if I give you a call back later today?「今ちょうど出るところです、後で折り返しでもいいですか?」😒run out the door「急いで出る」、about to step out「ちょうど出るところ」📌get back to youはcall backよりカジュアルなのでお客さんなどにはcall back laterやcall you back laterあるいはgive you a call backという。I'm getting back to youという表現は折り返し電話をしているときに「折り返しの電話です」の意味
⚪You are cutting in and out, do you have bad reception?「とぎれとぎれに聞こえます、電波が悪いのですか?」😒be breaking up「とぎれとぎれに聞こえる」=cut in and out「とぎれとぎれ」、reception「電波」、bad reception「電波が悪い」
Back to Business english2 menu↑
⚪He took a job as an intern at Google to get his foot in the door.「彼はグーグルで職を得るためにグーグルのインターンの職に就いた。」😒get your foot in the door「成功の一歩を踏み出す。」
⚪Can you cut to the chase? What are you trying to say?「早く重要な部分を話してください。何が言いたいのですか?」😒cut to the chase「遠回りをせずに核心部分をすぐ話す」
⚪My boss and I are on the same page regarding my next promotion.「私の次の昇進に関してはボスと合意している。」😒on the same page「複数の人が同じ意見を持つ、複数の人が同意する」
⚪I spent so much time today puting out fires with my venders that I didn't even have time to eat lunch.「今日は緊急案件を外注先と対処して昼飯を食う暇もなかった。」😒put out fires「緊急事態に対処する、ドタバタを収拾する」firesのように複数形になっていることに注目!😒よく見るとso...that構文も使われている。soの中は長文なのでわかりづらいが。。
⚪We've been discussing this all day but still not solution. Let's call it a day.「我々は一日この件について話し合ったが解決策が見つからない。今日のところは終わりにしよう。」😒call it a day「もう切り上げよう(また次回にしよう)」すっきりしない終わり方だが夜も遅いしもう帰ろう。のようなニュアンス
Back to Business english2 menu↑
Get Started on LinkedIn With 4 Easy Steps「4つの簡単なステップでリンクトインを始める」
1. Have you seen any job ads that interested you recently?「最近興味のある求人広告を何か見ましたか。」
2. Who's the most hard-working person you know?「あなたが知っている最も勤勉な人は誰ですか。」
⚪profile【名】[ˈprəʊfaɪl]プロフィール:a user's personal details and other information presented on a social media website or app
- I've often thought about deleting my Facebook profile.「私はよく自分のフェイスブックのプロフィールを削除することを考える。」
⚪update【動】[əpˈdeɪt]更新する:to add the latest information to something or to make it more modern
- This website's home page just got updated.「このサイトのホームページは更新されたばかりだ。」
⚪experience 【名】 経験 [ɪkˈspiːriːəns] knowledge and skill that has been gained by doing something for a period of time
- We need someone with at least three years of experience. 私たちは、少なくとも3年の経験を持つ人を必要としています。
⚪stand out 句動詞 目立つ、際立つ [stænd aʊt] to be different, better, or more noticeable than others
- Those socks certainly make you stand out. それらの靴下は、確かにあなたを目立たせる。
⚪network【名】網状組織、回路[ˈnɛtˌwərk]a system of people or things that are connected or related
- The United States is covered by a network of highways.「アメリカには幹線道路網が張り巡らされている。」
⚪active 形容詞 忙しい、活発な [ˈæktɪv] having a lot of busy activity
- My dad is very active on social media. 私の父はソーシャルメディア上でとても活動的だ。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Get Started on LinkedIn With 4 Easy Steps 4つの簡単なステップでリンクトインを始める
Creating a profile on LinkedIn isn't easy if you're using the site for the first time. That's why we've prepared a list of four things you can do to get your profile looking first-rate.
1. Update your paper resume first First, how is your paper resume looking? Has it been updated? Once you're 100% happy with it, copy your work experience and education information to your LinkedIn profile.
2. Add your photo, name and headline Did you know that people are up to 21 times more likely to look at your LinkedIn profile if you add a photo? Make sure that you're the only person in the picture, and that you're wearing what you would normally wear to work.
You'll also need to add your name and a headline. Your headline should include your job title, company, and something that makes you stand out.
3. Get connected and grow your network LinkedIn is all about connecting with people. Have you got a list of companies that you'd like to work for? Google, Apple, or Coca-Cola maybe? Follow them on LinkedIn to see company news and any new job posts.
To add friends and colleagues, just go to "My Network" to find people you may know, or look for them using the search box.
4. Keep your profile updated and stay active Now that you're connected and have the most important information on your profile, you need to keep it updated. Also, don't forget to stay active on LinkedIn. By sharing articles, joining online groups and taking part in conversations you'll quickly get noticed.
初めてリンクトインのサイトを利用する場合、そのプロフィールを作成するのは簡単ではない。 それで、プロフィールを一流に見せるためにできることを4つリストアップした。
1. 最初に紙面の履歴書を最新のものにする
まず、あなたの紙面の履歴書はどうなっているか。 最新のものになっているだろうか。 それに100%満足したら、職歴や学歴をリンクトインのプロフィールに写すように。
2. 写真、名前、ヘッドラインを加える
写真を加えると、人々があなたのリンクトインのプロフィールを見る可能性が最大21倍になることを知っていただろうか。 写真は1人だけで写っているもので、普段仕事で着るような服装をするように。
名前とヘッドラインも加える必要がある。 ヘッドラインには肩書き、会社名、あなたを際立たせるものを何か含めるべきだ。
3. つながりを持ち、ネットワークを広げる
リンクトインは人とのつながりがすべてだ。 働きたい会社のリストがあるだろうか。 グーグルやアップル、コカ・コーラかもしれない。 リンクトインでそれらをフォローして、会社のニュースや新しい求人情報を知ることができる。
4. プロフィールを更新し、活動を続ける
つながりを持ち、プロフィールに最も重要な情報を載せたなら、それを更新していく必要がある。 そして、リンクトインで活動を続けることを忘れないように。 記事を共有したり、オンライングループに参加したり、会話に参加したりすることにより、すぐに注目を集めることができるだろう。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
1. Do you know anyone who often complains about their job? 仕事に対する不満をよく言う人を知っていますか。
Simon: My partner complains about her boss all the time. He makes the whole company stay overtime without pay even on public holidays. She's been talking about wanting to quit her job for quite some time and I hope she will at the end. 私のパートナーは、いつも上司への不満を言います。 彼は祝日でも無給で会社全体を時間外で働かせます。 彼女はずっと仕事を辞めたいと言っているので、最終的にはそうしてほしいと思っています。
2. Would you rather work for Google, Apple, or Coca-Cola? Why? Google、Apple、コカ・コーラのうち、どこで働きたいですか。なぜですか。
Jessica: All three companies sound good, but I think I'd work for Apple just because I like their products. As their employee, I bet I would be able to get all the latest upgrades. I've also heard that their employee satisfaction is really high. 3社とも良さそうですが、私はアップルの製品が好きなので、そこで働くと思います。 アップルの従業員なら、最新のアップグレードが受けられるでしょうから。 また、従業員の満足度がとても高いと聞いています。
3. What would you say is the most useful skill you've learned at your current job? 今の仕事で身に着けた、一番役に立つスキルは何ですか。
Jason: Since becoming a team leader, I've learned to communicate with people and understand their ideas and wishes a lot better than before. I believe that this is the most useful skill I've learned in this role, and that it can help me no matter what job I have next. チームリーダーになってから、人とのコミュニケーションを身に着け、相手の考えや希望を以前よりもっと理解できるようになりました。 これは、次にどのような仕事をするにしても、この立場で私が身に着けた最も役に立つスキルだと思います。
⚪Have you ever used LinkedIn? If so, did you find it useful? If not, have you thought about making a profile? リンクトインを利用したことがありますか。もしあるなら、役立つと思いましたか。もしないなら、プロフィールの作成を考えたことがありますか。
⚪Have you ever been involved in the hiring process at your place of work? 職場での雇用プロセスに関わったことがありますか。
⚪If you were to retrain, what skills would you be interested in learning? Why? 再び研修を受けるとしたら、どんなスキルを学びたいと思いますか。なぜですか。
⚪If you were trying to convince someone to join your company, what would you tell them? あなたの会社に入るよう誰かを説得するとしたら、その人に何と言いますか。
⚪How do people in your country usually look for jobs? あなたの国で、人々は通常どのように仕事を探しますか。
Back to Business english3 menu↑
"Shake on It" with These Business Deal Phrases「これらの商取引の表現で『握手する』」
1. Do you ever use English at your place of work? 職場で英語を使うことがありますか。
2. What do you enjoy most about your current job? 今の仕事で一番楽しいことは何ですか。
⚪negotiate【動詞】[nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt] 交渉する to try to reach an agreement, especially in business
- We are still negotiating a final price. 私たちはまだ最終価格について交渉中だ。
⚪convince【動詞】[kənˈvɪns] 納得させる、確信させる、説得する to make someone do or believe something
- My music teacher always tried to convince me to join the school jazz band. 私の音楽の先生は、いつも学校のジャズバンドに参加するよう私を説得しようとした。
⚪fine【形容詞】[faɪn] (粒子などが)細かい、(糸・線などが)細い very thin
- The artist used a very fine brush when signing the painting. その芸術家はその絵画に署名する時、とても細い筆を使った。
⚪font【名詞】[fɑːnt] 書体、フォント a particular style of letters
- How do I change the font of this document? この文書のフォントはどうやって変更しますか。
⚪detail【名詞】[ˈdiːteɪl] 詳細 a single fact or item
- I'll email the project details to you this afternoon. プロジェクトの詳細を今日の午後、Eメールでお送りします。
⚪dot【名詞】[dɑːt] 点 a small round mark
- The dot on the map shows you where you are. 地図上の点は、あなたがいる所を示します。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
'Shake on It' with These Business Deal Phrases これらの商取引の表現で『握手する』
An important part of business is knowing how to make a good deal. So here's some vocabulary to help you when talking about contracts.
When people negotiate, they're trying to find a contract they can all agree on, as well as the contract's "terms" or rules. Each person or group who will sign the contract after the negotiation is known as a "party."
If the deal involves buying or selling, you can expect some "haggling," which means to argue about the price. If you're buying, you'll want to "talk down" the price, or convince the seller to make it cheaper.
You definitely won't want the seller to "jack up the price", which is when they make it much higher than it should be.
You should also be careful to read the "fine print", which are the details of the contract, often written in a smaller font. We often use this phrase in other situations to talk about details that might cause problems if we don't read and understand them.
When the negotiations are successful, you can say that you have "struck a deal."
And when all the parties are happy with a deal, it's normal to "shake on it," which just means to shake hands to show that you agree.
After that, everyone will "sign on the dotted line," because where you sign on a contract is often shown with a line of dots.
ビジネスにおいて重要な要素となるのは、良い取引の仕方を知っていることだ。 それで、契約について話すときに役立つ用語をいくつか紹介する。
人々は交渉するとき、全員が合意できる契約、および契約の「条件」つまり規則に行き着くよう努める。 交渉後に契約を結ぶ各人またはグループは「当事者」と呼ばれる。
取引に売買が含まれる場合は、価格について議論するという意味の「値切り交渉」を予期できる。 購入する場合は、価格を「下げさせる」、つまり売り手に安くするよう説得したいと思うだろう。
さらに、契約の詳細である「細則」を注意深く読むべきであり、それらは小さなフォントで書かれていることが多い。 他の場面でも、詳細について話すのにこの表現をよく使うが、それは読んで理解していないと問題を引き起こす可能性があるものだ。
🔹Fill in the Blanks穴埋め問題🔹
We finally agreed to the terms of the contract and decided to ___.
Be sure to read the___before you sign the contract.
The negotiation went well and both___made a large profit.
Some shops in tourist areas___for foreign customers.
Don't forget to___when you buy souvenirs in Turkey.
All you have to do is___and the car will be yours.
jack up their prices
sign on the dotted line
shake on it
fine print
Exercise 5
⚪Which of the words or expressions in the article did you find interesting? 記事のどの単語または表現が興味深いと思いましたか。
⚪When was the last time you had to negotiate? 最後に交渉しなければならなかったのはいつですか。
⚪Have you ever haggled? If so, how successful were you at it? 値下げ交渉をしたことがありますか。もしあるなら、うまくいきましたか。
⚪How do you usually celebrate success with your coworkers? 同僚と成功をどのように祝うことが多いですか。
⚪Who's the most successful businessperson you know? あなたが知っている中で、最も成功している実業家は誰ですか。
⚪Do any of your friends or family work in finance? あなたの友人または家族の中で、金融関係の仕事をしている人がいますか。
⚪There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. — Zig Ziglar. What do you make of this statement? 成功へのエレベーターはない。階段を上るしかない。(ジグ・ジグラー)この意見についてどう思いますか。
1. If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be? Why? あなたの仕事に関して1つ変えることができるとしたら、何を変えますか。なぜですか。
2. When was the last time you took a vacation? How did you spend it? 最後に休暇を取ったのはいつですか。どのようにして過ごしましたか。
⚪skeleton 【名】 骸骨 ˈskɛlɪtn the structure of bones that supports the body of a human or animal
- Paleontologists unearthed the skeleton of a T. rex in Montana in 2013. 古生物学者たちが、2013年にモンタナでティラノサウルスの骨格を発掘した。
⚪ crew 【名】 乗組員、チーム kruː the staff who work on a ship, plane, etc.
- The crew on the ship was very friendly and helpful. その船の乗組員は、とても友好的で助けになってくれました。
⚪ function 動詞 機能する、(役割を)果たす ˈfəŋkʃən to work properly or in a particular way
- This telephone can also function as a camera. この電話は、カメラとしても機能する。
⚪ hurt 動詞 痛む、傷つける hɜrt to cause or experience pain
- What my boyfriend said really hurt me. 彼氏が言った事に、私は本当に傷ついた。
⚪ come off 句動詞 kʌm ɔːf to be removed from something
- I've washed this shirt ten times! The stain just won't come off. 私はこのシャツを10回洗濯した。シミがどうしてもとれない。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
What Can You Do With a 'Skeleton Crew'? 『必要最小限の人員』で何ができるか
When was the last time you had to do a lot of work with a very small team? A "skeleton crew" is the smallest number of workers a business needs to do its job. Just as your body couldn't stand up without its skeleton, a business can't function without at least a "skeleton crew." あなたが最後に、ごく少人数のチームで多くの仕事をしなければならなかったのは、いつだっただろうか。 「必要最小限の人員」(直訳:基幹要員)とは、会社が仕事をするのに必要な最小限の労働者のことだ。 体が骨格なしで立ち上がることができないのと同じように、会社は少なくとも「必要最小限の人員」がいなければ、機能することができない。
For example, if you work at a store and most of your coworkers decide to take a few days off for a public holiday, your boss might say, "We're going to be working with a skeleton crew over the next couple of days. 例えば、あなたが店で働いていて、同僚のほとんどが祝日に数日休みを取ることにしたら、社長は「これから数日間、私たちは必要最小限の人員で働くことになるだろう」と言うかもしれない。
If you have been working very hard at something, you can say that you have been "working your fingers to the bone." The idea is that you have worked so hard that the skin is coming off your fingers. 何かの仕事を一生懸命してきたとすれば、「身を粉にして働いて」(直訳:指が骨になるまで働いて)きたと言うことができる。 一生懸命働いてきたので、指の皮膚がむけているという考えだ。
If you and the remaining staff members are working hard, but there's always still more work to do at the store, you might say to your boss, "We're working our fingers to the bone, but you go home at 5 every day. It's not fair!" あなたと残りのスタッフが一生懸命働いても、店のすべき仕事が常にある場合、あなたは「私たちは身を粉にして働いているのに、あなたは毎日5時に帰宅する」と社長に言うかもしれない。 「公平ではない」。
When someone says something that hurts you, but is also true or almost true, you can say it is "close to the bone." 誰かが何かあなたを傷つけることを言うが、それが真実、または真実に近いことでもある場合、それは「あからさま」(直訳:骨に近い)だ、とあなたは言うことができる。
So if your boss starts working late every day, your coworker might say to you, "I don't know what you said to the boss, but it must have been close to the bone! I've never seen him work so hard!" それで、社長が毎日遅くまで仕事をし始めるなら、同僚はあなたに「あなたが社長に何と言ったかは知らないが、ずけずけ言ったに違いない」と言うかもしれない。 彼があれほど一生懸命働いているのを見たことがない」。
🔹Fill in the Blanks穴埋め問題🔹
We only have a___today as a few people on the team are off sick.
Many businesses were unable to___normally during the pandemic.
We had to___to complete the project before the deadline.
My boss always criticizes my work and I think he enjoys___my feelings.
Sarah seemed upset when I joked that I was too old to have kids. I think my comment must have hit too___.
work our fingers to the bone
close to the bone
skeleton crew
1. Have you heard or used any of the expressions in the article? 記事の中の表現のどれかを耳にしたり、使ったりしたことがありますか。
2. Have you ever been part of a skeleton crew? If so, please share your experience. 必要最小限の人員の1人だったことがありますか。もしあるなら、あなたの経験を教えてください。
3. Do you often work your fingers to the bone? Please explain your answer. あなたは一生懸命働くことが多いですか。あなたの答えを説明してください。
4. Who would you say is the laziest worker you've ever met? Please describe them. あなたが会った中で、最も怠惰な労働者は誰ですか。その人のことを教えてください。
5. Would you describe your boss as hard-working? Why? Why not? あなたの社長は勤勉だと思いますか。なぜそう思いますか。なぜそう思いませんか。
6. What is usually the busiest day of the week for you? Why? あなたにとって通常最も忙しいのは何曜日ですか。なぜですか。
7. Have you ever considered leaving your job? Why? Why not? 仕事を辞めることを考えたことがありますか。なぜ考えましたか。なぜ考えたことがありませんか。
Networking_Tips_to_Help_Build_Your_Career キャリア構築に役立つ人脈作りのコツ
1. What was your first job? Did you learn much in this role? あなたが就いた最初の仕事は何ですか。その仕事から多くのことを学びましたか。
2. Do you find it easy or difficult to introduce yourself to strangers?あなたにとって、初めて会う人に自己紹介をするのは簡単なことですか、それとも難しいことですか。
⚪networking【名】人脈づくり[ˈnetwɜːrkɪŋ]the action or process of meeting and talking to people in order to make professional connections with them
- You should come to the event tonight; there might be some good networking opportunities. 今夜のイベントにぜひ来るべきだ;人脈づくりのチャンスがあるかもしれない。
⚪impression【名】印象[ɪmˈprɛʃən] a feeling, idea, or opinion of someone or something, especially one that is formed without thinking or with little evidence
- I don't think I made a very good first impression at the interview. 私は面接であまり良い第一印象を与えなかったと思う。
⚪ genuine 【形】 心からの、真の、本物の [ˈdʒenjuɪn] honest and sincere
- My boss shows genuine interest in my work. 私の上司は、私の仕事に心から関心を示している。
⚪ impress 【動】 印象づける、感心させる、感動させる [ɪmˈprɛs] to make someone respect or admire a person or thing
- I'm impressed with his positive attitude toward work. 私は、仕事に対する彼の前向きな姿勢に感心している。
⚪ curious 【形】 好奇心が強い、好奇心をそそる [ˈkjʊriːəs] wanting to know or learn about someone or something
- Everyone in the office is curious to know why Mark resigned. 社内の全員が、マークが辞職した理由を知りたがっている。
⚪ in touch 【熟】 連絡をする [ɪn tʌtʃ] in contact or communication
- We haven't seen each other in years, but we stay in touch over email. 私たちはもう何年も会っていないが、Eメールで連絡を取り合っている。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Networking Tips to Help Build Your Career 初心者のための人脈を広げるコツ
To be successful at networking, you first have to be good at introducing yourself to strangers, which a lot of people are afraid to do. So, where do you start, and how can you be sure that you'll make a good first impression?
Here are a few things to remember:
Be yourself
The best way to make a connection with people is to just be yourself. Having a genuine conversation with someone, rather than trying to impress them, for example, is much more likely to give them a good impression.
Ask questions, and listen
Another way to make a good first impression is to be curious about other people and ask them questions.
Always take time to listen to others when joining a conversation. Then, ask questions that show that you've been listening before you talk about yourself.
Don't be afraid to ask for introductions
You may find out that the person you're talking to works with someone you'd love to work for, or at a company you'd really like to join. In this case, don't be afraid to ask them to introduce you. Being introduced by someone the person already knows is a great way to make a connection right away.
Help others network too
Don't forget to help other people make connections as well. If people in your industry get to know you as someone who is often helpful, they're more likely to think of you when new opportunities come up.
Stay connected
It's easy to lose touch with people after meeting them. But don't let this happen! Instead, send an email or call them a day or two later to say you really enjoyed meeting them and you would like to stay in touch.
上手に人脈を広げるには、まず多くの人が苦手とすることではあるが、初めて会う人にも上手に自己紹介ができなくてはならない。 では、どこから始めて、どのようにすれば第一印象を良いものにできるだろうか。
人との繋がりを築く最善の方法は、自分らしくいることだ。 例えば誰かに感銘を与えようとするよりも、心からの会話をする方が相手に良い印象を与える可能性が大幅に高くなる。
会話に参加するときはいつでも時間をかけて他の人の話を聞くように。 その後、自分の話しをする前に、よく聞いていたことを示すための質問をするように。
あなたが話している相手は、あなたがそのもとで働きたいと思っている人と、またはあなたが是非勤めたいと思っている会社で、働いている人だということに気付くかもしれない。 その場合、自分のことを紹介してもらえるよう相手に頼むことをためらわないように。 すでに知っている人からその人に紹介してもらえることは、すぐに繋がりを作ることができる素晴らしい方法だ。
他の人たちが人脈が広げられるよう助けることも忘れないように。 あなたの業界の人たちが、あなたのことを頼りになることが多い人として覚えてくれるなら、新たなチャンスが訪れたときに、あなたのことを思い出してくれる可能性は高くなる。
誰かと出会った後、連絡を途絶えさせるのは簡単だ。 だが決してそうならないように。 代わりにメールを送るか、1~2日後に電話して、会えてとても嬉しかったことや、連絡を取り合いたいと思っていることを伝えよう。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
1. What industries do you think you'd enjoy working in? どの業界で働くのを楽しめると思いますか。
The IT industry is expanding and I think I could be happy there. Most companies really care for their employees and the jobs seem interesting as well. I also enjoy music and play the drums so the music industry is an option as well.
IT産業は拡大しているので、そこで満足できると思います。 ほとんどの会社が従業員をとても大切にしていて、仕事も面白そうです。 また、音楽が好きでドラムを叩いているので、音楽業界も選択肢のひとつです。
2. Are there any jobs you could never see yourself doing?
I really like to cook, but I don't think I'd be able to make it in the restaurant industry. Every time I see a show about it, everyone is so stressed and in a rush all the time. I don't want that.
料理をするのがとても好きですが、レストラン業界ではやっていけないと思います。 それに関する番組を見るたびに、みんなストレスがたまっていて、いつもせかされています。 私はそれは望んでいません。
3. What did you find most challenging when you first started your current job?
At my previous job, we did things quite differently, so adjusting to the new workflow was challenging for me. But luckily, my new coworkers were understanding and really helped me to figure it out and fit in. 前職では、やり方がかなり違っていたので、新しい業務の流れに適応するのは私にとって挑戦でした。 しかし、幸いなことに、新しい同僚は理解があって、私がそれを理解し、溶け込めるように本当に助けてくれました。
1. Which of the tips in the article did you find useful or interesting? この記事のどのアドバイスが役立つ、もしくは興味深いと思いましたか。
2. How easy or difficult do you find meeting new people and networking? 新しい人と出会い、人脈を作っていくのは、あなたにとってどのくらい簡単ですか、または、どのくらい難しいですか。
3. How often do you get a chance to meet with people in your industry? どのくらいの頻度であなたが働いている業界の人々と会う機会がありますか。
4. How long have you been at your current job? How did you find it? 今の仕事に就いてどれくらい経ちますか。どのようにして見つけましたか。
5. What advice would you give someone about to enter the workforce for the first time? 初めて仕事に就く人に、あなたならどのようなアドバイスをしますか。
How to Beat 'Impostor Syndrome'
⚪Who's the most confident person you know?
⚪Would you describe yourself as a perfectionist? Why? Why not?
⚪ impostor 【名】 偽者、替え玉 [ɪmˈpɑːstər] a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive people, especially to benefit themselves
- She felt like an impostor when starting her new job, but her confidence grew over time.
⚪ fraud 【名】 詐欺師、ペテン師 [frɔːd] a person or thing meant to deceive people
- He claimed to be an expert in property law, but turned out to be a fraud. 彼は財産法の専門家であると主張したが、詐欺師であることが分かった。
⚪ perfectionism 【名】 完璧主義 [pərˈfekʃənɪzəm] the quality of not accepting any standard that is less than perfect
- Overcoming perfectionism is crucial for achieving a healthy work-life balance.
⚪ villain 【名】 悪役、かたき役 [ˈvɪlən] a bad or evil character
- Darth Vader is my favorite movie villain of all time. ダース・ベイダーは、これまででいちばんのお気に入りの悪役だ。
⚪ brilliance 【名】 優れた才能、素晴らしさ [ˈbrɪljəns] very great talent or intelligence
- Mary's creative brilliance was evident in her paintings.
🔹Reading Practice🔹
How to Beat 'Impostor Syndrome'
Have you experienced impostor syndrome? It's that feeling that you might be a fraud, that you don't belong, or that you're not as good as people think you are.
Maybe you got a promotion or won an award, but instead of celebrating, you feel like you really just tricked everybody — and someone might find out.
Estimates have found that about 70% of us experience impostor syndrome at some time in our lives. It might be just for a few weeks in a new job, or it could last a lifetime.
Former first lady Michelle Obama has openly admitted to having impostor syndrome. So has Harry Potter actor Emma Watson.
In 2013, Watson told Rookie magazine that it felt like the better she did, the more inadequate she felt. "Any moment, someone's going to find out I'm a total fraud, and that I don't deserve any of what I've achieved," she said.
According to communications expert Lou Solomon, anxiety, perfectionism, self-doubt and fear of failure are the symptoms of impostor syndrome.
She says it's like having a villain in your ear saying things like, "You don't deserve to be here — these people are really smart." Or they might say that even though you succeeded once, you might not be able to do it again.
But once you recognize your villain, you can fight them. You might even give them a name. Solomon calls hers "Miss Vader," after Darth Vader from Star Wars. She has also imagined a hero — "Betty Lou" — who challenges Miss Vader every time she says something negative.
Experts also suggest exchanging negative thoughts for positive ones by celebrating achievements, thinking about past successes and keeping a record of positive feedback from others.
Solomon agrees that impostor syndrome isn't something you fight alone. It's also important to pay attention to friends, family and coworkers, and be sure to let them know when they're really good at something. "Listen for brilliance," she says.
⚪ Have you ever experienced impostor syndrome?
⚪ Why do you think so many people experience impostor syndrome?
⚪ Do you find it surprising that Michelle Obama and Emma Watson have experienced impostor syndrome?
⚪ Which of your past successes or achievements are you most proud of?
⚪ When was the last time you got positive feedback from someone?
⚪ Which of your coworkers would you say is the best at what they do?
⚪ Do you find being praised at work is necessary for good motivation?
⚪ Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded. — Buddha
⚪ A leader is someone who [shows] what's possible. — Mark Yarnell
Questions You Should Ask at Every Job Interview
1. What do you like most about your current job? Please explain your answer.
2. Which of your coworkers do you get along with best? Why do you think that is?
⚪ culture 【名】 文化、気風 ˈkʌltʃər the behavior and attitudes that a group of people or organization share
- It's always a good idea to research the company's culture and values before a job interview. 面接の前に、その会社の文化や価値観を調べておくのは常に良いことだ。
⚪ overview 【名】 概略 ˈoʊvərˌvjuː a general description of something
- Our manager provided a brief overview of the project before diving into the details.
⚪ title 【名】 肩書き ˈtaɪtl a name that describes a person's position, rank, job, etc.
- My official title is Director of Sales. 私の正式な肩書きは営業部長です。
⚪ step 【名】 歩み、一歩 stɛp an action, especially one in a series, that must be done in order to achieve something
- Once the negotiations are complete, the next step will be to sign the contract.
⚪ forward 副詞 前方へ、前へ、先に ˈfɔːrwərd onward in order to make progress
- At this stage, we won't be moving forward with your application. この段階で、私たちはあなたの応募を先へは進めないつもりです。
⚪ follow up 句動詞 ~の後に続ける、~にさらに付け加える ˈfɑːloʊ ʌp to continue or pursue something further
- We'll follow up today's meeting with another meeting tomorrow. 今日の会議に引き続き、明日も会議を行います。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Questions You Should Ask at Every Job Interview
Job interviews can be stressful. How do you show an employer that you're the perfect person for the job? And how can you tell whether the company is right for you?
At the end of most interviews, you'll be asked if you have any questions. This is your chance to find out more about the job and show how excited you are to work at the company.
Time magazine says you should always ask these three questions. They could help you get the job!
1. "Tell me about the culture of the company."
Asking about the company culture shows that you're not just thinking about yourself, but about the company and the people you'll be working with. Learning about the company culture will also help you decide if the company is right for you.
2. "What is a typical day at the company like?"
During an interview, most employers will give you an overview of the job. However, asking about details will help you get a better idea of what the job is like, and will also show that you're really thinking about the work you would do and not just the title.
3. "What are the next steps of the interview process?"
Asking about the next steps shows that you're interested in moving forward, and will also help you know when to follow up with the company.
It's also a good idea to follow up with a thank-you note a few hours after the interview.
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
1. When was the last time you had a job interview?
My last interview was two years ago, when I joined the company I work for now. I really enjoyed talking to the interviewer, who is now my boss. She helped me relax and I learned a lot about what a good interview should be like.
2. Have you ever interviewed someone?
I work in HR and conduct interviews all the time. I try to help the applicant relax, and I like to think I'm good at asking important questions without making them feel like they're in an exam. It ends up being like a casual chat.
3. How would you describe the culture at your place of work?
The culture depends on the department. Mine is very friendly, but other departments seem a lot colder. They rarely communicate outside of work meetings. But my team has coffee together every day and we do other fun things as a group!
1. Have you ever asked any of the questions from the article during a job interview? Please explain your answer.
2. What advice would you give to someone preparing for a job interview?
3. How would you describe a typical day at your company or workplace?
4. Have you ever thought about changing jobs? Why? Why not?
5. Opportunities don't happen. You create them. — Chris Grosser. What do you make of this statement?
How Social Media Can Help or Hurt Your Job Search ソーシャルメディアが就職活動にどのように役立つか、または悪影響を及ぼすか
Have a short conversation based on the questions below. 以下の質問を基に短い会話をしてください。
⚪What was your first job? How did you find it? あなたの最初の仕事は何でしたか。どのようにしてそれを見つけましたか。
⚪What social media platform do you use most? Why? あなたが最も利用するソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームは何ですか。なぜですか。
⚪ apply 【動】 応募する [əˈplaɪ] to formally make a request for something
- I'm applying for a visa to study abroad. 私は留学のためにビザを申請していています。
⚪ coach 【名】 指導員、コーチ [koʊtʃ] a person who teaches people sports or trains a team; a person who gives extra teaching
- The coach explained his plan to the team. そのコーチはチームに自分のプランを説明した。
⚪ drug 【名】 薬物、薬 [drʌɡ] an illegal substance taken for the effect it has on the brain
- Marijuana is one of the world's most popular illegal drugs. マリファナは、世界でもっともよく使われている違法薬物のひとつだ。
⚪ professional 【形】 プロの、専門職の [prəˈfɛʃənl] worthy of or appropriate to someone who has a job that requires special training or education
- Dressing well makes you look more professional. ちゃんとした服装をすると、よりビジネスにふさわしく見える。
⚪ follower 【名】 フォロワー [ˈfɑːloʊər] someone who watches the activity of a particular person on social media
- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has over 270 million followers on Instagram. ザ・ロックことドウェイン・ジョンソンには、インスタグラムのフォロワーが2億7,000万人以上いる。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
How Social Media Can Help or Hurt Your Job Search ソーシャルメディアが就職活動にどのように役立つか、または悪影響を及ぼすか
In 2018, American company CareerBuilder found that up to 70% of employers look at social media profiles to find out more about the people applying for their jobs. It found that what you put online can either help you get the job you want, or lose it for you.
Career coach Hallie Crawford told Glassdoor.com that looking at social media profiles helps employers see what people are like outside of the information on their job application.
Employers also look for things like bad language or drug use to help decide if they want to have you in their office. A study by the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 36% of companies have decided not to give people jobs because of what they found out about them through online searches and social media.
On Facebook, Crawford said that employers will look at your "About Me" section to see if the information is the same as how you described yourself to them. They also look at your photos to see if you seem professional.
On Twitter, Crawford said that they will look at who you follow, and see if you are connected with other people in your industry. They will also want to see if you share information and news about your industry, if you're friendly to your followers, or if you just use Twitter to argue with people.
You could make your profiles private. However, being impossible to find online might also make employers worry. Job website Monster says that instead you should have private profiles but also public profiles that show you are professional.
2018年、米国企業のキャリアビルダーによると、雇用者の最高70%が仕事の応募者についてさらに調べるために、ソーシャルメディアのプロフィールを見ることが分かった。 それによると、インターネットで公開するものは、自分が望む仕事を得るのに役立つことも、損になることもあり得ることが分かった。
ソーシャルメディアのプロフィールを見ること は、求職応募書にある情報以外の人々の特性を雇用者が知るのに役立つ、とキャリアコーチのハリー・クローフォードはGlassdoor.comに語った。
雇用者はさらに、下品な言葉や薬物使用などについて調べ、雇用したいかを決定するのに役立てる。 米国人材マネジメント協会(SHRM)の研究によると、企業の36%がオンライン検索やソーシャルメディアで明らかになった点を理由に、人々を雇用しないことに決めた。
フェイスブック上で雇用者は「私について」のセクションを見て、その情報とあなたが自分自身について語ったことが同じかを確かめるだろう、とクローフォードは述べた。 彼らはさらに写真を見て、あなたがビジネスにふさわしく思えるかどうかを確かめる。
ツイッターでは、彼らはあなたがフォローしている人を見て、業界の他の人々とつながりがあるかを確かめるだろう、とクローフォードは述べた。 彼らはさらに、あなたが業界についての情報やニュースを共有しているか、フォロワーに友好的か、ツイッターを単に人々への反対意見を述べるために利用しているかについて、確かめたいと思うだろう。
プロフィールを非公開にすることもできる。 しかし、インターネットで探せないようにすることも、雇用者を心配させる可能性がある。 代わりに、非公開のプロフィールを持つだけでなく、あなたがビジネスにふさわしいことを示す公開プロフィールも持つべきだ、と求人サイトのモンスターは述べる。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
If you were an employer, what qualities would you look for in applicants? もしあなたが雇用者なら、応募者にどんな資質を求めますか。
My belief is that anyone can learn anything. So what I look for in people is motivation. Getting nervous before an interview can make you forget the things you know, but it can't hide your motivation. 私は、誰でも何でも学べるという信念を持っています。 それで、私が人々に求めるのはやる気です。 面接の前に緊張すると、自分が知っていることを忘れてしまうことがありますが、やる気は隠せません。
Do you ever have arguments on social media? ソーシャルメディア上で議論することはありますか。
I don't like arguments, let alone virtual ones. But I did get into a spat with one person who wrote a mean thing about my friend. It went on for a while before I realized that they just wanted attention so I stopped replying.私は議論が好きではありませんし、ネット上のものは言うまでもありません。 でも、私の友人のことを悪く書いた人とちょっとした言い争いになったことはあります。 しばらく続いたのですが、その人は注目されたいだけなのだと気づき、返信するのをやめました。
Do you have both public and private social media accounts?ソーシャルメディアのアカウントは、公開用と非公開用の両方を持っていますか。
I'm a very private person so I don't need two kinds of accounts. Only my family and closest friends can see what I post to the accounts I do have and I don't mind sharing anything with them. I wouldn't be comfortable having public accounts! 私はとても内向的な人なので、2種類のアカウントは必要ありません。 家族と親しい友人だけが、私のアカウントに投稿したものを見ることができ、彼らと何かを共有することに抵抗はありません。 公開アカウントを持つことには抵抗を感じます。
1. Do you find it surprising that up to 70% of employers look at job applicants' social media profiles? Why? Why not? 雇用者の最高70%が、求職者のソーシャルメディアのプロフィールを見るのは意外ですか。なぜ意外ですか。なぜ意外ではありませんか。
2. If you were an employer, would you look up applicants on social media before hiring them? Why? Why not? あなたが雇用者だとしたら、雇用する前に求職者のソーシャルメディアを調べますか。なぜ調べますか。なぜ調べませんか。
3. After reading the article, is there anything you would change about how you use social media? この記事を読んで、ソーシャルメディアの使い方に関して何か変える点はありますか。
4. What would you say are the most important skills for a person in your industry to have? Why? あなたの業界の人が持つべき、最も重要なスキルは何だと思いますか。なぜですか。
5. Hiring people is an art, not a science. — Howard Schultz. What do you make of this statement? 人を雇うのは技術であり、科学ではない。(ハワード・シュルツ)この意見についてどう思いますか。
Improve Your ROI with These Business Abbreviations これらのビジネス略語で投資利益率を上げる
⚪Who are the most successful people you know?「あなたが知っている中で、最も成功している人たちは誰ですか。」
⚪How do you normally measure your success at work?「あなたは普段、自分の仕事の成功をどのように測りますか。」
⚪abbreviation 【名】 略語、省略(形) [əˌbriːviːˈeɪʃn] a version of a word or phrase that has been reduced in length
- The abbreviation for "avenue" is just "Ave." 「Avenue」の省略形は、単純に「Ave.」だ。
⚪ key 【形】 重要な [kiː] essential or extremely important
- Asia is a key market for our company. アジアはわが社にとって重要な市場だ。
⚪ indicator 【名】 表示するもの、指標、指針 [ˈɪndəˌkeɪtər] something that shows the state, level, etc. of something
- The unemployment rate is a good indicator of the strength of a country's economy. 失業率は一国の経済力を示すよい指標だ。
⚪ track 【動】 跡をたどる、追跡する [træk] to follow the progress, development or movement of something
- Dogs can track other animals. 犬は他の動物たちの跡をたどることができます。
⚪ measure 【動】 測定する、測る [ˈmɛʒər] to find the size, amount, speed, etc. of something
- We need to measure the size of the room to see if the table will fit there. そのテーブルがそこに収まるかどうか確認するために、私たちはその部屋の大きさを測る必要がある。
⚪ investment 【名】 投資、投資金 [ɪnˈvɛstmənt] the action or process of putting money into something in order to make more money
- Andrea owns an apartment in New York as well as several investment properties. アンドレアはいくつかの投資物件に加え、ニューヨークにアパートを持っている。
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Improve Your ROI with These Business Abbreviations これらのビジネス略語で投資利益率を上げる
The business world is filled with abbreviations, so if you're learning English to help your career, here are just a few you should know.
One abbreviation that may be used a lot more as more people work outside of the office is "WFH," which means "Working From Home." If someone is working from home they might put this abbreviation next to their name in the program the company uses to communicate, so their colleagues know they are not in the office that day.
Many businesses use "KPIs," or "Key Performance Indicators" to track how well they are doing, or how much work their employees are doing each day.
KPIs measure something that is important to the success of a business. For a call center it might be how many calls a person makes each day, but for a company that sells cars it might be how much money an employee makes for the company in a week.
If a person is trying to decide how successful a business or investment may be, they might ask about its "ROI," or "Return on Investment." This is usually a percentage showing how much money an investor can expect to make in an amount of time, compared to how much money they will have to spend to get it.
For example, if an investment has a yearly ROI of 10%, then putting $100 into it would earn a profit of $10 after a year.
「WFH」はオフィス以外で働く人が増えるとさらに多く使われる可能性のある略語で、「在宅勤務」という意味だ。 在宅勤務をしている人は、会社がコミュニケーションに使用するプログラムの中で、自分の名前の横にこの略語を付けるかもしれず、そうすることで同僚はその人がその日はオフィスにいないと分かる。
重要業績評価指標はビジネスの成功に重要なものを測る。 コールセンターでは、それは1人が1日に何件の電話をかけたかになるかもしれず、車を販売する会社では、従業員が1週間で会社の収益をどれだけ上げたかになるかもしれない。
ある人が会社や投資がどの程度成功しているかを判断しようとしている場合、その人は「ROI」つまり「投資利益率」について尋ねるかもしれない。 これは通常、投資家が一定の期間にどれだけのお金を稼げるか、それを得るためにどれだけのお金を費やさなければならないかを比較した割合だ。
🔹Fill in the Blanks穴埋め問題🔹
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.空欄を埋めて文章を完成させましょう。
⚪ WFH, ROI, and KPI are common business___.
⚪ Michael Jordan was a___player for the Chicago Bulls in the 80s and 90s.
⚪ I don't feel well, so I'm going to___today.
⚪ We've hired a marketing consultant to help improve our advertising and achieve a better___.
⚪ My uncle made a number of smart___and was able to retire at 40.
⚪ The sales team's main___is to increase sales by 10% per year.
Have a discussion based on the following questions. 下記の質問をもとに話し合いましょう。
⚪ Have you come across any of the abbreviations in the article before? 記事で取り上げられた略語のどれかを、以前に見たことがありますか。
⚪ Does your job allow you to work from home? If so, how often do you do it? If not, do you wish it did? あなたの仕事は在宅勤務が許可されていますか。もしそうなら、どのくらいの頻度でそうしますか。もしそうでないなら、そうなればいいと思いますか。
⚪ Which of your colleagues would you say is the most hardworking? 同僚の中で一番働き者なのは誰だと思いますか。
⚪ If you had money to spare, what would you invest in? Why? お金に余裕があれば、何に投資しますか。なぜですか。
⚪ If you were looking for financial advice, which of your friends or family would you ask? Why? 経済面でのアドバイスを求めているとしたら、あなたの友人または家族の中の誰に尋ねますか。なぜですか。
⚪ Have you ever thought about changing careers? Why? Why not? 転職を考えたことがありますか。なぜ考えましたか。なぜ考えたことはありませんか。
⚪ Have you ever considered buying cryptocurrency? 暗号通貨の購入を検討したことがありますか。
Words and Phrases to Avoid on Your Resume
Have a short conversation based on the questions below. 以下の質問を基に短い会話をしてください。
⚪What would you say are your most valuable skills?
⚪What jobs could you see yourself doing in the future?
⚪track【動】跡をたどる、追跡する[træk]to follow the progress, development or movement of something
- I've started using the MyFitnessPal app to track my weight.「私は自分の体重を追跡するのに、マイフィットネスパル・アプリを使い始めた。」
⚪recruiter【名】採用担当者[rɪˈkruːtər]a person whose job is to find someone to join a company or organization
- I'm constantly getting emails from this recruiter.「私は常にこの採用担当者からメールをもらっている。」
⚪resume【名】履歴書[rɛzəmeɪ]a document that describes a person's education, previous jobs, etc.
- You have a very impressive resume.「あなたは本当に素晴らしい経歴をお持ちですね。」
- A girl smiling as she is being interviewed for a job. The interviewer is holding her resume.
⚪revenue【名】収益、収入[ˈrɛvənˌjuː]money that a government or organization earns
- Newspapers rely on advertising for most of their revenue.「新聞はその収入源のほとんどを広告に頼っている。」
⚪deliver【動】果たす、遂行する[dɪˈlɪvər]to produce or provide something expected or promised
- Politicians rarely deliver on their election promises.「政治家たちは、めったに自分の選挙公約を果たさない。」
⚪exceptional【形】並外れた、ひときわ優れた、例外的な[ɪkˈsɛpʃənl]extremely or unusually good; unusual
- The designers at this advertising company always do exceptional work.「この広告会社のデザイナーたちはいつもひときわ優れた仕事をする。」
- A designer creating a logo on their graphic tablet
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Words and Phrases to Avoid on Your Resume
A 2018 eye-tracking study found that recruiters, on average, spent only about 7 seconds reviewing a resume. So, how can you stand out from the competition in such a short time?
One way is to avoid common words and phrases that hiring managers hate. When US employment website CareerBuilder surveyed more than 2,000 hiring managers back in 2014, some of their least favorite terms included common resume phrases like "team player," "hard worker" and "self-motivated."
These expressions take up space, but don't do much to show how you would add value to the company you're applying to. They're also qualities most employers expect from you anyway.
The words that CareerBuilder found hiring managers most liked were things like "achieved," "trained," "managed" or "created" — action words that can be used to give clear examples of things you've done.
They also liked terms such as "increased" or "decreased," as well as "revenue" and "under budget" — more words that help practically illustrate your achievements.
So, in other words, instead of just claiming you have certain qualities, it's better to show them in action.
For example, instead of writing that you're a "team player" and "excellent communicator" who "delivers results," you might say:
Managed a sales team of 12 to increase revenue by 130% over four years
Communicated with three departments to create a company-wide payment system four months early and 10% under budget It's also good to avoid terms that sound too much like self-promotion, such as "rock star," "exceptional" or even "expert" — these claims can be made by anyone.
But also don't be too basic — just saying you were "responsible for" something sounds like the bare minimum. The same goes for having "experience working in" something.
So while you shouldn't say you're "a sales rock star with exceptional people skills," you also shouldn't just say you have "experience working in sales" and were "responsible for three departments."
Instead, use those action words to give practical examples of all the people you've trained or managed, and the great things you've created and achieved!
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What are your thoughts on the tips featured in the article?
⚪ What do you make of the fact that recruiters spend an average of 7 seconds reviewing a resume?
⚪ Have you ever had to read resumes as part of your job? If so, what are your least favorite resume phrases?
⚪ If you were a hiring manager, what qualities would you look for in applicants?
⚪ Which of your friends or family would you say has the most impressive resume?
⚪ What have been your biggest achievements at your current place of work?
⚪ Which of your previous jobs did you learn the most from?
Have a discussion based on the following quotes.
⚪Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. — Confucius
⚪Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it. — Katherine Whitehorn
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Resume 履歴書を書く時に避けるべき3つの間違い
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪What is your dream job? What skills would you need for it? あなたの理想の仕事は何ですか。それにはどんなスキルが求められますか。
⚪What advice would you give to a friend who's preparing for a job interview? 就職面接の準備をしている友人にどんなアドバイスをしますか。
⚪resume【名詞】履歴書[rɛzəmeɪ]a document that describes a person's education, previous jobs, etc.
- You have a very impressive resume.「あなたは本当に素晴らしい経歴をお持ちですね。」
⚪avoid【動詞】避ける、防ぐ[əˈvɔɪd]to stay away from or stop oneself from doing something; to stop something from happening
- I'm trying to avoid fatty foods because I just started a new diet. 「新しいダイエットを始めたばかりなので、脂分の多い食べ物は避けるようにしている。」
- Woman refusing a plate of fast food offered to her containing fries, hamburger, sweets and glass of soda
⚪hire【動詞】雇う[haɪr]to give someone a job
- We just hired a new computer specialist.「わが社は新たにコンピュータの専門家を採用したところだ。」
- An IT specialist working on a computer hardware
⚪applicant【名詞】応募者[ˈæpləkənt]a person making a formal request for something, such as a job, a place at a school, etc.
- There are four applicants for the position so far.「今のところ、その職の応募者は4人だ。」
⚪reconsider【動詞】再検討する、考え直す[ˌriːkənˈsɪdər]to think about a decision, idea, etc. again
- She's reconsidering her decision to join the company.「彼女はその会社に入社することを考え直している。」
⚪dismiss【動詞】退ける、却下する、はねつける[dɪsˈmɪs]to say or decide that someone or something is not worth considering, thinking about, etc.
- Michelle Obama has dismissed rumors that she will run for public office.「ミシェル・オバマ氏は、公職に出馬するつもりだという噂を退けた。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Resume
Looking for a new job can be difficult. Often the worst part can be when you send your resume to a company and don't hear anything from them.
There can be several reasons for this, some of them to do with the resume itself. Here are some mistakes that are easy to avoid the next time you write a resume:
Spelling and grammar errors
For her book Top Notch Executive Resumes, Katherine Hansen surveyed employers to find out what they look for in resumes. She says that spelling and grammar errors in a person's resume are the number one thing that makes employers less likely to hire that person.
To avoid this mistake, ask a friend or family member to read your resume after you've read it yourself a few times. They might be able to see any mistakes you've missed.
Too much personal information
Your resume should only include information that is important for the job that you are applying for. An employer doesn't need to know things like how tall you are or what religion you follow. Your name, age, education, skills and job history are what they'll be interested in.
Applying for work is a competition between you and everybody else who wants the job. But even if it feels like your resume might be weaker than other applicants', it's never a good idea to lie on it.
According to a 2018 survey by TopResume, 97% of employers said that they would reconsider or dismiss an applicant if they found a lie on their resume — depending on what they had lied about.
新しい仕事を探すのはたいへんなことがある。 たいてい1番嫌なのが、ある会社に履歴書を送ったものの、そこから何の連絡もない時だ。
それにはいくつかの理由があり、中には履歴書そのものと関係していることもある。 次に履歴書を書く際、容易に避けられる間違いをいくつか以下に挙げる。
キャサリン・ハンセンは、自著Top Notch Executive Resumes で、雇い主が履歴書に何を期待しているのかを知るために、調査を行った。 ある人の履歴書のつづりや文法的な誤りは、雇い主がその人を雇いたくないと思う1番の要因だ、と彼女はいう。
この間違いを回避するには、自分で何度か履歴書に目を通した後、友人や家族に見てもらうことだ。 彼らはあなたの見逃した間違いに気付くかもしれない。
あなたの履歴書には、応募する仕事に重要な情報だけを含めるべきだ。 雇い主はあなたの身長やどの宗教に従っているかといった点について知る必要はない。 あなたの氏名、年齢、教育、技能、職歴が、彼らにとって関心のある事柄だ。
仕事に応募することは、あなたとその仕事を望む他の人全員との競争になる。 しかし、あなたの履歴書が他の応募者よりも劣っているように思えるとしても、その中でうそを述べるのは良い考えではない。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪Have you ever had to read resumes as part of your job?「仕事で履歴書に目を通したことがありますか。」
No, but my wife does. She works in the HR department at a construction company so she reads a lot of resumes. I think it's a very difficult part of the job to pick only a handful of candidates out of a big pile of applications! いいえ。でも、妻はあります。 彼女は建設会社の人事部に勤めているので、たくさんの履歴書を見ます。 たくさんの応募書類の山から、ほんの一握りの候補者を選ぶというのは、とても難しい仕事だと思います。
⚪Have you had many jobs? たくさんの仕事を経験しましたか。
If you ignore the part-time jobs I had as a student, then no. I've been working for the same company for the past fifteen years. I've never considered changing jobs because I really enjoy working with my coworkers! 学生時代のアルバイトを除けば、していません。 これまで15年間、同じ会社で働き続けています。 同僚と一緒に仕事をするのが楽しいので、転職を考えたことはありません。
⚪What companies would you most like to work for? どの会社で一番働いてみたいですか。
If I got to pick, I'd probably choose Google. I know some people who work there and they only have good things to say about the company. They do work long hours, but they're paid well and seem to love their jobs! もし選べるなら、Googleを選ぶと思います。 そこで働いている人を数名知っていますが、この会社について良いことしか言いません。 彼らは長時間働いていますが、給料もいいですし、仕事がとても好きなようです。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪When was the last time you updated your resume? 最近、自分の履歴書を最新の状態にしたのはいつですか。
⚪What do you feel are the most impressive skills listed on your resume? あなたの履歴書に載っている技能で、一番すばらしいものは何だと思いますか。
⚪Who would you ask for help with proofreading if you were working on your resume? Why? 自分の履歴書を準備しているなら、誤りなどがないかチェックするよう誰に頼みますか。なぜですか。
⚪Do you plan to continue working in the same industry for years to come? Why? Why not? この先何年も同じ業界で働き続ける予定ですか。それはなぜですか。
⚪I'd rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person. — Jeff Bezos. What do you make of this statement? 間違った人を雇ってしまうくらいなら、50人面接しても誰も雇わないほうがいい。(ジェフ・ベゾス)この意見についてどう思いますか。
How to Write a Great Cover Letter 素晴らしいカバーレターの書き方
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪What's the most enjoyable job you've ever had? これまでに就いた中で、一番楽しかった仕事は何でしたか。
⚪When was the last time you applied for a job? あなたが最後に仕事に応募したのはいつでしたか。
⚪cover letter【名詞】[ˈkʌvər letər]a letter sent when applying for a job that explains why you are a good candidate
- Applicants should send their resume and cover letters to the email provided below.「 応募者は、下記の電子メール宛てに履歴書とカバーレターを送信するように。」
⚪proofread【動詞】誤りがないか読み直して確認する、校正する[ˈpruːfˌriːd]to read and correct a piece of writing
- Do you mind proofreading my homework for me?「宿題に誤りがないかチェックしてもらってもいいかな。」
⚪land【動詞】獲得する、(仕事を)見つける[lænd]to be successful in getting or achieving something
- After university, I landed a job at a local radio station.「大学卒業後、わたしは地元のラジオ局に就職した。」
⚪ideal【形容詞】理想的な[aɪˈdiːəl]the best possible or perfect
- The beach is an ideal location for a relaxing holiday.「そのビーチは、のんびりするための休暇に理想的な場所だ。」
⚪stand out【句動詞】目立つ、際立つ[stænd aʊt]to be different, better, or more noticeable than others
- His good ideas make him stand out.「彼のいいアイディアが彼を際立たせる。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
How to Write a Great Cover Letter 素晴らしいカバーレターの書き方
When applying for a job, a strong cover letter can really help your application stand out.
Here's some cover letter advice to help you land your dream job.
Do Your Research
Find out about the company's customers, competitors and work culture. You should also know which skills are needed for the job. You can then use this information to show how your skills will be useful, and why you're the perfect choice for the company.
Keep It Short
Your cover letter shouldn’t be longer than one page, and around half a page is ideal.
The letter should have about three paragraphs. The first should explain why you're interested in the job and how you heard about it. The second should say why you're right for the job, and give examples of your past experience.
In the final paragraph, give your contact information and thank the reader for their time.
Be Original
It's a good idea to write a new or updated cover letter for each job that you apply for. You should also avoid clichés like, "I'm a team player," or "I think outside the box" — many other applicants will have written the same thing.
Always proofread your cover letter before you send it. There may be hundreds of cover letters being sent in for the same job, so even a small mistake can make you look bad compared to everyone else.
Look for grammar and spelling mistakes and check the company's information so that any names you use are correct. Consider asking a friend or family member to read it too.
仕事に応募するとき、説得力のあるカバーレターはあなたの応募書類を際立たせるのに非常に役立つ。 ここで、あなたが理想の仕事に就くのに役立つ、カバーレターに関するアドバイスをいくつか紹介しよう。
会社の顧客、競合他社、労働文化について調べよう。 どのスキルがその仕事に求められているかも知っておくべきだ。 それから、これらの情報を生かして、あなたの持つスキルがどのように役立つか、そしてなぜあなたが会社にとって最適な選択であるかを示すことができる。
手紙には段落が3つほど必要だ。 最初に、あなたがその仕事に興味を持っている理由と、それについてどのようにして知ったのかを説明する。 2つ目では、なぜあなたがその仕事に適しているのかを述べ、過去の経験の例を示す。
応募する仕事ごとに、新しいカバーレターまたは更新されたカバーレターを書くことをお勧めする。 他にも、「私はチームプレーが得意です」とか「私は既成の枠にとらわれることなく考えます」などの決まり文句は避けよう-他の多くの応募者も同じことを書いている。
カバーレターを送付する前に、必ず校正するように。 同じ仕事のために何百通ものカバーレターが送られる可能性があるので、小さな間違いでさえも、他の人と比べると見栄えが悪くなる可能性がある。
文法やつづりの誤りを探し、会社の情報をチェックして、あなたが使用したどんな名前も、それが正しいことを確認しよう。 友人や家族にも読んでもらうことを検討しよう。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪If you were writing a cover letter, would you ask someone to help? もしあなたがカバーレターを書くとしたら、誰かに助けてもらいますか。
It's usually me who people call when they need to write cover letters. I used to work in recruitment, so I'm very good at writing exactly what hiring managers want to read about an applicant. I must have helped write over a dozen cover letters so far!
カバーレターを書く必要があるとき、他の人たちはたいてい私にお願いしてきます。 私は以前、採用関係の仕事をしていたので、採用担当者が応募者について読みたいことを、その通り書くのが得意です。 これまで十数通のカバーレターを書くのを手伝ったはずです。
⚪How did you find your current job? 現在の仕事はどのようにして見つけましたか。
I did some research into the companies hiring in my industry. I found a few offering the role I’d like, and reached out to their hiring managers. I did some interviews, and got two job offers. I chose the job with better benefits and I’ve been here since.
私の業界で採用している企業をいくつか調べました。 私が希望する職を提供している所をいくつか見つけ、採用担当者にコンタクトを取りました。 いくつか面接を受け、2つの仕事を紹介されました。 より待遇の良い方を選び、現在に至っています。
⚪Who are the most successful businesspeople you know? あなたが知っている最も成功したビジネスパーソンは誰ですか。
My best friend owns his own company and has more than a hundred employees! He often talks about how difficult and stressful it is, but at the same time, I know he loves it. I'd love to run my own company one day.
私の親友は自分の会社を経営しており、100人以上の従業員を抱えています。 彼はよく、それがどんなに大変でストレスの多いものであるかを話しますが、同時に、彼がたいへん愛着を持っていることも知っています。 私もいつか自分の会社を経営してみたいです。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪How useful did you find the article's advice on writing a great cover letter? 記事にあったすばらしいカバーレターの書き方に関するアドバイスは、どのくらい役立つと思いましたか。
⚪Do you use LinkedIn or any other professional networking sites? LinkedInまたはその他の専門的なネットワーキング・サービスを利用していますか。
⚪Do you think you'd enjoy conducting job interviews? Why? Why not? 仕事の面接官になることを楽しめると思いますか。それはなぜですか。
⚪What qualities would you look for if you were hiring someone? 誰かを雇うとしたら、どのような資質を求めますか。
⚪What's the best career advice you've ever heard? 今まで聞いた中で最高の仕事上のアドバイスは何ですか。
3 Interview Questions Nobody Wants to Answer 誰も答えたくない3つの面接の質問
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Do you find job interviews to be stressful? Why? Why not? 仕事の面接はストレスが多いと思いますか。なぜですか。
⚪What questions do you often struggle with in interviews? 面接で苦労することの多い質問は何ですか。
⚪stressful【形容詞】ストレスの多い[ˈstrɛsfəl]making one feel worried or nervous
- Her job is very stressful. 「 彼の仕事はとてもストレスが多い。」
⚪gas station【名詞】ガソリンスタンド[gæs ˈsteɪʃən]a place where fuel for vehicles can be bought
- There's a small convenience store inside the gas station.「 そのガソリンスタンドには小さなコンビニがあります。」
⚪multiply【動詞】掛ける、増加する[ˈməltəˌplaɪ]to add a number to itself a certain number of times
- The mathematics teacher taught her students how to multiply.「算数の先生が生徒に掛け算のやり方を教えた。」
⚪common【形容詞】ありふれた、よくある[ˈkɑmən]happening, found, done, etc. often
- Sleeping on the train is very common in Japan.「電車で寝るのは日本では非常によくあることだ。」
⚪right away【熟語】すぐに、直ちに[raɪt əˈweɪ]immediately and without delay
- I'll fax you the document right away.「 今すぐその書類をあなたにファックスでお送りします。」
3 Interview Questions Nobody Wants to Answer 誰も答えたくない3つの面接の質問
Job interviews are stressful. While you can try to make them easier by preparing what you want to say, doing research and doing practice interviews, there are still some questions that nobody wants to hear.
⚪Resume.io, a resume writing service, asked 2,000 Americans which interview questions they thought were the hardest to answer. Here are their three top choices.
1. How many gas stations are there in the United States?
- According to Statista, there were about 111,000 gas stations in America in 2016. However, most interviewers don't expect you to know this: they just want to see how you think and find solutions to problems, maybe by guessing the number of gas stations in each state and multiplying it by the number of states.
2. Sell me this pen!
- This test was made famous by the 2013 movie The Wolf of Wall Street. The best solution is not to try to sell the pen right away. Instead, ask questions and find out what kind of person you're talking to, and why a pen might be important to them — because you can only sell something if you know why someone might want it!
3. Where do you see yourself in five years?
- This is one of the most common interview questions, and 39% of people in the survey said they had heard it. Companies want to know that you will still be working for them and learning new skills in five years. So a great way to answer this question is to say that you'd see yourself as a leader and expert in the type of work the company does.
就職の面接はストレスが多い。 言いたいことを準備したり、調査をしたり、面接の練習をしたりして、面接をもっと楽にしようとすることはできるが、それでも誰も聞きたくない質問がいくつかある。
履歴書作成サービスの Resume.io は、米国人2,000人に面接の質問で答えるのが一番難しいと思うものは何かを尋ねた。 彼らが選んだトップ3を以下に挙げる。
1. 米国にはガソリンスタンドが何軒あるか。
- スタティスタによると、2016年に米国内には約11万1,000軒のガソリンスタンドがあった。 しかし、ほとんどの面接官はあなたがこれを知っていることを期待しておらず、あなたがどのように考え、どのように問題の解決法を見つけるか、つまり各州のガソリンスタンドの数を予想してそれに州の数をかけるなどを見たいだけだ。
2. このペンを私に売ってみるように。
- このテストは2013年の映画 ウルフ・オブ・ウォールストリート で有名になった。 最善策はペンをすぐに売ろうとしないことだ。 誰かがそれを欲しがるかもしれない理由を知っている場合に限って何かを売ることができるので、代わりに質問をして、話している人がどんな人なのか知り、その人にとってペンが重要かもしれない理由を見つけるように。
3. 5年後の自分はどうなっていると思うか。
- これは最もよくある面接の質問の1つで、調査に参加した人の39%がそれを耳にしたことがあると答えた。 会社はあなたが5年後もまだそこに勤めており、新しいスキルを学んでいるかを知りたいと思っている。 それでこの質問に答える最適な方法は、その会社が行っている職種のリーダーかつベテランになっていると思う、と述べることだ。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
⚪How do you usually prepare for interviews?「通常、どのように面接の準備をしていますか。」
To prepare for an interview, I usually start by researching and learning everything I can about the company and the job. Then, I make notes on why I'm the right person for the role and I practice answers to common interview questions based on them. 面接の準備としては、通常、その会社や仕事についてできる限り調べ、学ぶことから始めます。 そして、なぜ自分がその職に適しているのかをメモし、それをもとに面接でよく聞かれる質問の答えを練習します。
⚪If you were an employer, what qualities would you look for in applicants? もしあなたが雇用者なら、応募者にどのような資質を求めますか。
If I were an employer, I would look for qualities like good communication skills, a positive attitude and the ability to work in a team. I would also look for applicants who are willing to learn and try new things. 私が雇用者なら、コミュニケーション能力の高さ、前向きな姿勢、チームで働く能力などの資質を求めます。 また、新しいことを学び、挑戦する意欲のある応募者を求めます。
⚪Do you think you'd make a good interviewer? あなたは面接官に向いていると思いますか。
I think I would be a good interviewer. I'm good at talking to people and asking questions that help me understand them better. I'm also good at listening to what they have to say. 私は良い面接官になれると思います。 私は人と話し、相手のことをよりよく理解するための質問をするのが得意です。 また、相手が語ることに耳を傾けるのも上手です。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Have you ever been asked any of the interview questions in the article? 記事に載せられていた面接の質問のどれかを尋ねられたことがありますか。
⚪What advice would you give a friend who's preparing for a job interview? 就職の面接の準備をしている友人に、どんなアドバイスをしたいですか。
⚪When was the last time you tried learning a new skill? 最近、新しいスキルの習得に挑戦したのはいつですか。
⚪Do you think you'd make a good employer? Why? Why not? あなたは良い雇用者になれると思いますか。なぜですか。
⚪I sometimes find that in interviews you learn more about yourself than the person learned about you. — William Shatner. What do you make of this? 面接では、相手が自分について知ったことよりも、自分が自身について知ることのほうが多いと感じることがある。(ウィリアム・シャトナー)この意見についてどう思いますか。
【How to Prepare for Online Interviews】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Which of your jobs have you enjoyed the most? Why?
⚪If you could have any job, what would you choose and why?
⚪remote【形】遠隔の[rɪˈmoʊt]done, happening, etc. from a distance
- Our company employs thousands of remote workers from all around the world.「私たちの会社は世界中に、何千人ものリモートワーカーを雇用している。」
⚪nerve-wracking【形】イライラする、神経がすり減る[ˈnɜːrv rækɪŋ]making one feel nervous, worried, etc.
- I hate interviews. They're so nerve-wracking!「私は面接が嫌いだ。とても神経がすり減る。」
⚪blouse【名】ブラウス[ˈblaʊz]a piece of women's clothing that is similar to a shirt
- I usually wear a blouse and a skirt when I go to the office.「私は普通、オフィスに行く時ブラウスとスカートを着る。」
⚪laundry【名】洗濯、洗濯物[ˈlɔːndriː]clothes, linen, etc. that need to be, or have just been washed
- I have to wash a huge pile of laundry today.「私は今日、巨大な山となった洗濯物を洗わないといけない。」
⚪shadow【名】影、陰[ˈʃædoʊ]a dark area that is caused by light being blocked by something
- We sat in the shadow of a tree and ate our lunch.「私たちは、木陰に座ってお昼ご飯を食べた。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
How to Prepare for Online Interviews
With the world of work becoming more remote, more interviews are happening online. However, that doesn't make them any less nerve-wracking. Here is some advice for doing well in an online interview.
Dress professionally
Just like in an in-person interview, what you wear matters. Choose professional clothes — such as a shirt or blouse — and make sure they are comfortable. Avoid bold patterns, which can look bad on camera.
Test your technology
Technology can be the hardest part of an online interview, so be sure to test everything well in advance. Ask the interviewer what program they'll be using — such as Zoom or Skype — and download it early.
Next, practice using it. Have a friend or family member call you to make sure the program works on your computer, and that you can hear and see each other clearly.
Check your lighting
While practicing, check how you look in the video. Is it too dark or too bright? Are there large shadows on your face? You may need to use an extra lamp or sit closer to a window to find the best light.
Don't forget your background
While interviewers know you'll probably be in your home, it's still unprofessional to have mess behind you. Clean up the room behind you, and remove anything that could be distracting, such as dirty laundry. If possible, find a wall or clean space you can sit in front of.
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪Have you ever been interviewed online?
During the pandemic, yes. But before that, all my interviews were done in person. I have to say, I didn't like the online interview. There's always something going on in the background when I'm at home — like my dogs barking in the other room! That makes it difficult for to me to concentrate.
⚪What would you usually wear to an interview?
I believe in "dressing for success" so I like to wear a nice shirt at least. I feel comfortable and confident when I'm dressed professionally. Nowadays, some younger people even wear T-shirts and shorts to interviews, which isn't very respectful in my opinion.
⚪Do you get along well with your boss and coworkers?
I do now, but I didn't at my previous job. We would always get into silly arguments about how tasks should be done. My boss didn't know how to handle our disagreements, so our meetings usually went on for hours and nothing got decided.
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What's the most difficult question you’ve been asked in an interview?
⚪Have you ever interviewed someone? If so, what did you ask them?
⚪What advice would you give someone who was preparing for an interview?
⚪If you were writing a resume, which of your skills would you highlight?
⚪Do you prefer learning English online or in the classroom? Why?
【Interview Tips: How to Land Your Dream Job】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪What was your first job interview like? Please share your experience.
⚪Do you find it difficult to relax during job interviews? Why? Why not?
⚪make the most of【熟語】~を満喫する、~を最大限に活かす[meɪk ðə moʊst ʌv]to get as much pleasure, enjoyment, etc. from something as possible
- They made the most of the bad weather.「彼らは悪天候をできる限り活かした。」
⚪development【名】開発、発展[dɪˈvɛləpmənt]an event or fact that affects a changing situation
- The police said there had been some new developments in the investigation.「警察は、その捜査にいくらか新しい発展があったと述べた。」
⚪fidget【動】もぞもぞ動く、そわそわする[ˈfɪdʒɪt]to keep making small movements with one's body because one is nervous, bored, etc.
- He fidgeted nervously during the interview.「かれはその面接の間、緊張してそわそわした。」
⚪sense【名】感覚、センス[sɛns]an awareness or understanding of something
- He has a unique sense of humor.「彼は独特のユーモアのセンスを持っている。」
⚪up to date【形】最新の情報を取り入れた[ˌʌp.tə ˈdeɪt]having the most recent information, methods, etc.
- The Internet allows me to stay up to date with business news.「私はインターネットでいつも最新のビジネス情報を入手している。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Interview Tips: How to Land Your Dream Job
Applying for jobs can take a lot of time and effort, so it’s important to make the most of an interview when you get one. Here are some tips to give you the best chance of success when you interview for your dream job.
Research the company and think about what questions you might ask if you were hiring someone for the job. What would your answers to those questions be?
It’s good to prepare for common questions like, “How do you stay up-to-date with new developments in this industry?,” “Where do you see yourself in five years?” and “Please tell us more about yourself.”
Remember, your answers don’t need to be perfect. The interviewer just wants to see that you care enough about the job to prepare for the interview.
Look good
Look at how people at the company dress, and try to wear similar clothes. This tells the interviewer that you are taking the interview seriously, and that you pay attention to detail. Doing simple things like making eye contact, smiling, and not fidgeting will also help you make a good impression.
Give examples
When asked about your past work, try to give clear examples so the interviewer can get a sense of what you know and how you deal with challenging situations.
Ask questions People are more likely to hire you if they think you’re excited to work with them. One way to do that is to ask questions that show you’re interested in how the company works.
Remember that the person interviewing you is trying to choose someone to work with every day, so if you can show you are relaxed, friendly, and fun, they’re more likely to hire you.
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪In your opinion, what's the best way to make a good first impression?
Well, my mother taught me that the best thing you can do is to be punctual and show up on time. Then, you have to be polite and respectful. I think some younger people are too relaxed and casual, which can make them look unprofessional.
⚪What do you like most about your job?
Definitely my colleagues! I get on very well with the people in my office, so I always enjoy going to work, even though I can work from home whenever I want to!
⚪Have you thought about where you see yourself in five years?
That's a common interview question, so I've thought about it a lot. Firstly, I want to be an expert in my field and be the person others ask for advice. And in five years, I'd love to have my own staff and be a manager or a team leader.
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Which of the interview tips in the article did you find the most useful or interesting and why?
⚪What do you think is the most important thing one should pay attention to when going to an interview?
⚪What's your dream job? Please explain your answer.
⚪Would you say that you "live to work" or "work to live"? Why do you say that?
⚪Success doesn't come to you, you go to it. — Marva Collins. What do you think of this statement?
【What to Research Before a Job Interview[面接前に調査しておきたいこと]】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪What would you say is your dream job?
⚪If you could work for any company in the world, which would you choose? Why?
⚪job description【名】職務記述書、仕事内容[ˈdʒɑːb dɪskrɪpʃn]a statement listing the duties and tasks a person must do as part of their job
- The job description doesn't mention anything about looking after children.「仕事内容は、子どもの世話について何も言及していない。」
⚪responsibility【名】責任、責務[rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪlɪtiː]a duty to deal with, care for, etc. someone or something
- It was my responsibility to lead the meeting today.「今日、会議の進行をするのは私の責任だった。」
⚪lucky【形】幸運な、まぐれの[ˈlʌki]happening because of or bringing good luck or chance
- We were very lucky to get tickets to the concert.「私たちは、そのコンサートのチケットを手に入れることができてとても運が良かった。」
⚪value【名】価値観[ˈvæljuː]beliefs about what is right or important
- It's always a good idea to research the company's culture and values before a job interview.「面接の前に、その会社の文化や価値観を調べておくのは常に良いことだ。」
⚪background【名】背景、経歴[ˈbækˌgraʊnd]a person's education, experience, family, etc.
- We're looking to hire someone with a background in sales and advertising.「私たちは営業と広告の経歴を持つ人を探している。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
What to Research Before a Job Interview
Preparing for an interview can be stressful. Happily, there are a few things you can do to make it less so, including doing some serious research on the company you want to work for.
Here's where to start:
Study the job description
Don't just quickly read the job description. Take time to think about each responsibility and skill in the list, and write down point by point why you believe you're the best person for the job.
Also, if you know someone who works at the company, talk to them! Get as much information about the job, the people and the organization as you can.
Always check the company website
You can get a lot of information from just reading a company's website. Find out exactly what the company does, who manages it and who its customers are. If you're lucky, you might also find information on staff currently in the role you want.
Read the company's latest news
Being able to share information about the company's latest news in the interview shows that you're interested in the company and what it does. Check its social media, "like" its posts and read its blog. This research will also help give you a clearer idea of the company's culture and values.
Find out who's interviewing you
Lastly, find out who is going to interview you. The person's name may already be in an email that you've received about the job. If not, ask who the interviewer is likely to be. Then research their role in the company and their background. You can even check their LinkedIn and Twitter to find interests that you might share.
面接の準備はストレスになることがある。 幸いなことに、それを軽減するためにできることが幾つかあり、それには働きたいと思う会社について真剣に調査することが含まれる。
仕事内容にざっと目を通すだけということがないように。 リストに載せられている責任やスキルのそれぞれについて考慮する時間を取り、自分がその仕事に最適な人である思う理由を1つ1つ書き出す。
さらに、その会社で働いている人を知っているなら、その人と話そう。 仕事、人、組織について、できるだけ多くの情報を得るように。
会社のウェブサイトを読むだけでも、多くの情報を得ることができる。 会社が何をしているのか、誰が経営しているのか、誰が顧客なのかを正確に把握する。 運が良ければ、あなたが希望する職務に現在就いている社員の情報も見つかるかもしれない。
面接で会社の最新ニュースに関する情報を話すことができるなら、あなたがその会社や仕事内容に関心を持っていることを示すことになる。 ソーシャルメディアをチェックし、投稿に「いいね」をつけ、ブログを読もう。 この調査は、会社の文化や価値観をより明確に理解するのにも役立つ。
最後に、誰があなたを面接するかを調べるように。 その人の名前は、あなたが受け取った仕事に関するメールにすでに載せられているかもしれない。 そうでなければ、誰が面接官になる可能性があるかを尋ねよう。 それから、会社での職務や経歴を調査する。 同じ関心事を見つけるために、リンクトインやツイッターをチェックすることさえできる。
🔹Mock Discussion🔹
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪What tips would you give someone who's preparing for a job interview?面接の準備をしている人に、どんなアドバイスをしますか。
I suppose the most important thing is to come prepared. For instance, you should read about the company and practice answering some basic interview questions — you can find a lot of them online with sample answers. And of course, try to relax and be yourself!
一番大切なことは、準備をして臨むことだと思います。 例えば、その会社について読み、インターネット上で回答例と共にたくさん見つかる、面接の基本的な質問に答える練習をしておくといいでしょう。 そしてもちろん、リラックスして自分らしくいられるようにします。
⚪Does your job offer a good work-life balance?あなたの仕事は、ワークライフバランスがとれていますか。
My manager always makes sure that we have enough personal time. She always tells us that our health and well-being are more important than work. So thankfully, I'm always able to leave work on time as soon as my shift is over!
私の上司は、私たちが十分なプライベートの時間を持てるようにいつも配慮してくれます。 仕事よりも私たちの健康や幸福の方が大事だと、いつも言ってくれます。 だから、ありがたいことに、シフトが終わるとすぐに定時で退社できます。
⚪Do you know anyone who has changed jobs recently?最近、転職した人を知っていますか。
Actually yes, my father recently changed his job at the age of 60. I thought that was a really brave move and it also helped me learn that you don't need to stay in a job if it's making you unhappy!
ええ、実は最近、私の父が60歳で転職をしました。 それはとても勇気のある行動だと思いましたし、仕事に満足していないなら、そこにとどまる必要はないということを学べました。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Which of the suggestions in the article did you find helpful?記事のどの提案が役立つと思いましたか。
⚪Do you get nervous before interviews? How do you deal with it?面接の前は不安になりますか。どのように対処しますか。
⚪Have you ever had a chance to interview someone? If so, did you enjoy it? If not, would you like to? 誰かを面接する機会がありましたか。もしあるなら、楽しかったですか。もしないなら、してみたいですか。
⚪How long have you been working for your current employer?今の会社でどのくらい働いていますか。
⚪Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. — Karim Seddiki. What do you make of this statement? 疑念は失敗よりもはるかに多くの夢を奪う。(カリム・セディキ)この意見についてどう思いますか。
【Do You Suffer From 'Presenteeism' at Work?】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪How would you describe the culture at your workplace?
⚪What does your company do to support people's health and well-being?
⚪arthritis【名】関節炎[ɑːrˈθraɪtɪs]a disease causing swelling, stiffness, or pain in the joints
- It's quite common for older dogs to develop arthritis.「年老いた犬ほど関節炎を患うのは、かなりよくあることだ。」
⚪strategic【形】戦略の、戦略上重要な[strəˈtiːdʒɪk]relating to identifying long-term aims and how to achieve them
- We are looking for a strategic thinker to lead this new department.「私たちは、この新しい部署を率いるために戦略的な考え方のできる人を探しています。」
⚪remotely【副】遠隔で、リモートで[rɪˈməʊtli]from a distance
- I've been working remotely for about 4 years now.「私は今の時点で、4年くらいリモートで働いている。」
⚪crucial【形】非常に重要な[ˈkruːʃəl]extremely important
- My doctor said it's crucial that I take these pills at the same time every day.「私の医師は、毎日同じ時間にこの錠剤を飲むのがとても大切だと述べた。」
⚪workload【名】仕事量[ˈwərkloʊd]the amount of work a person, group, or organization has to do
- We're hiring more staff to deal with the extra workload.「私たちは、追加の仕事量に対応するためにもっとスタッフを雇っている。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Do You Suffer From 'Presenteeism' at Work?
Have you ever been unwell but went to work anyway? If so, you're not alone. Showing up to the office when you're sick is known as presenteeism. It's a difficult problem to measure, but it seems to be on the rise in some countries.
For example, a UK study by the health insurance company Vitality found that 45% of workers said they suffered from presenteeism in 2019, compared to 29% in 2014.
The types of conditions people are going to work while suffering from include allergies, arthritis and back pain, or mental health issues such as depression. These people show up wanting to work, but just can't give 100%.
You might think that with more people having the option of flexible hours or working from home due to COVID-19 that the problem would be reduced.
But a survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) suggests not. In fact, it found that rates of presenteeism were slightly higher for people working from home.
Of the 668 organizations that the CIPD surveyed in late 2020, 77% observed presenteeism among staff working remotely, compared to 75% who observed it in the workplace.
The same survey also found that 7 in 10 organizations also observed "leavism," where employees use their time off to catch up on work — which, along with presenteeism, can contribute to an "always-on" culture.
The CIPD advises that companies and organizations should be more strategic about improving employee well-being, preventing ill health, and supporting people when they become unwell. It argues that doing so will result in a more productive workforce.
"It's crucial for organizations to address any issues that could be creating a culture where staff feel they are expected to work when ill or feel it's the only way they can stay on top of their workload," it said.
Ways of doing this include training managers in ways they can support people's health and well-being, and including money in the budget for services that support employee's health.
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What are your thoughts on the problems of presenteeism and leavism?
⚪Do you find it surprising that presenteeism increased during the pandemic?
⚪How often do your colleagues show up to work unwell?
⚪Have you ever used time off to catch up on work? Is this common practice where you live?
⚪Does your country have an "always-on" work culture? Do you expect this to change over the next few decades?
⚪Has your company made any changes to increase productivity recently?
⚪How much do you pay attention to your work-life balance?
Have a discussion based on the following quotes.
⚪Slowing down is sometimes the best way to speed up. — Mike Vance
⚪It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. — Mahatma Gandhi
【How Can You Manage New Job Anxiety?】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Can you remember the first few days of the job you have now? What was it like?
⚪Which of your coworkers was the most helpful when you first started your job?
⚪power through【句動詞】強い気持ちで続ける、なんとかやり抜く[ˈpaʊər θruː]to continue with something in a determined way despite difficulties
- We're short-staffed at the moment, but we'll just have to power through to get the project finished on time.「私たちは現在人手が足りないが、プロジェクトを予定通りに終わらせるために、ただただなんとかやり抜かないといけないだろう。」
⚪onboarding【名詞】新人研修[ˈɑːnbɔːrdɪŋ]the action or process of bringing a new employee into an organization
- The onboarding process will take a few months, but after that you'll have a lot of independence.「新人研修の過程は数カ月かかりますが、その後はあなた方はかなり自立するでしょう。」
⚪the deep end【熟語】困難な状況、窮地[ðə diːp end]a situation in which a person has no experience or is not prepared for
- When I first joined the company, I didn't receive any training and was just thrown in at the deep end.「私が初めて会社に入った時、一切研修を受けずただ困難な状況に置かれた。」
⚪sympathetic【形容詞】同情的な[ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk]feeling or showing understanding or care
- My boss was very sympathetic when I asked for the day off due to family problems.「私の上司は、私が家庭の問題で休みをもらえるよう頼んだ時にとても同情的だった。」
⚪dynamic【名詞】力学、挙動[daɪˈnæmɪk]the way people behave and interact with each other in a particular situation
- I found the team dynamic at my new workplace hard to get used to at first.「私は最初、自分の新しい職場のチームの挙動に慣れるのが難しいと思った。」
⚪productive【形容詞】実り多い、生産的な[prəˈdʌktɪv]doing a lot or achieving good results
- Angela is one of our most productive staff members and is very easy to work with.「アンジェラは最も生産性の高い従業員の一人で、とても一緒に仕事しやすい。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
How Can You Manage New Job Anxiety?
The first few weeks in a new job can be stressful. Of course, you want to impress the team from the moment you walk through the door. But then, almost everything is new, including the people and some of the systems and processes — making it hard for you to be your usual in-control self.
So, what can you do to manage new job anxiety?
Here are some ideas:
Create a healthy routine to power you through
When you start your new job, you want to be your best self, which means self-care is essential. So, schedule healthy meals, drink lots of water, exercise, go to bed and get up at the same times (even on weekends), and avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine, lack of sleep, and even certain foods can make your anxiety symptoms worse. Also, don't forget to take breaks while you're at work. Even a short walk or stretch can help you feel less stressed.
Don't be afraid to ask questions
If you're lucky, your new organization will have a great employee onboarding process that gives you many opportunities to ask questions and get support. However, you may be thrown in at the deep end and have to work stuff out on your own. Asking for help can feel uncomfortable — but the sooner you do it, the better. If you stay quiet and pretend you know things you don't, you could have bigger problems later on when colleagues may be less sympathetic.
Accept that adjusting takes time
It's natural for you to want to prove yourself quickly so you can be accepted by your new team. However, adjusting to a new job takes time. So, be patient, keep up the positive attitude, work hard, listen to what's going on around you, and accept that everything won't be perfect. It can take a couple of months before you understand the new role and the team dynamic well enough to be a productive part of it.
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Which of the jobs you've had did you find the easiest to adjust to?
⚪Have you ever been thrown in the deep end at work?
⚪What tips would you give to someone joining your company or team?
⚪Which of your previous jobs do you miss the most? Why?
⚪Who would you say are the most productive people at your workplace?
⚪Has your workplace changed much since you started there?
⚪In your opinion, who are the most valuable people at your workplace?
Have a discussion based on the following quotes.
⚪Stress is not what happens to us. It's our response to what happens. — Maureen Killoran
⚪Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. — Aristotle
【Dunning–Kruger Effect: Why People Overestimate Their Skills】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Which of your skills or abilities are you most confident in?
⚪Who would you say is the most highly skilled person you know?
⚪overestimate【動詞】過大評価をする[ˌəʊvərˈestɪmeɪt]to think that something is bigger, better, etc. than it actually is
- The agent overestimated the value of the house, so it stayed on the market for a long time.「不動産屋がその家の価値を過大評価したため、それは売れるまでに長い時間がかかった。」
⚪assume【動詞】決めてかかる、思い込む、推測する、想定する[əˈsuːm]to believe that something is true or will happen, often without proof
- Most people assumed Hilary Clinton was going to win the election.「ほとんどの人がヒラリー・クリントン氏が選挙に勝つだろうと推測していた。」
⚪phenomenon【名詞】現象[fɪˈnɑːməˌnɑːn]a fact or situation that is seen to exist or happen, especially one whose cause is not well understood
- The Northern Lights are a beautiful natural phenomenon.「オーロラは、美しい自然現象だ。」
⚪incompetent【形容詞】無能な、能力のない[ɪnˈkɑːmpɪtənt]not having the necessary skills or knowledge to do something well
- We could achieve a lot more as a team if we didn't have such incompetent managers.「私たちにこんなに無能な管理職者がいなければ、チームとしてもっと多くを成し遂げることができるだろう。」
⚪curse【名詞】災い、やっかいな物事[kɜːrs]a cause of harm or sadness
- The curse of being such a reliable worker is that his boss always asks him to work on weekends.「こんなに信頼できる従業員であることのやっかいな点は、上司がいつも彼に週末に働くようお願いすることだ。」
⚪incapable【形容詞】できない、能力がない[ɪnˈkeɪpəbəl]unable to do something
- I'm incapable of remembering people's names at parties.「私は、パーティーで人々の名前を覚えることができない。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Dunning–Kruger Effect: Why People Overestimate Their Skills
Would you say that you're above or below average at most things?
Research has found that most people are very poor at estimating their own abilities. And it has been found that in Western cultures in particular, people frequently overestimate their skills.
For example, in a Swedish study published in 1981, 93% of American drivers and 69% of Swedish drivers said they had above-average driving skills — even though, by definition, it is impossible for more than 50% of people to be above average.
Similarly, a 1992 study found that 42% of a US company's engineers assumed they were among the company's top 5%.
In 1999, psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger decided to take a closer look at this phenomenon. They found that the people with the least ability were, in fact, the most likely to significantly overestimate their skills and performance.
Across four experiments testing participants' understanding of humor, grammar and logic, they found that those who scored in the bottom 25% consistently assumed their performance was above average — and sometimes even in the top 40%.
Dunning and Kruger suggested that these "incompetent" people suffer a double curse. First, they come to incorrect conclusions and make poor choices. And second — their incompetence makes them incapable of realizing their own mistakes.
For example, when Dunning and Kruger studied participants at a debate tournament at Cornell University, the bottom 25% of teams lost almost four out of every five matches. However, these teams thought they were winning nearly 60% of the time. Because they didn't fully understand the rules of debate, they couldn't see why their arguments had fallen apart.
This combination of incompetence and overconfidence is now known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.
But Dunning and Kruger also found that helping people improve their skills also helped them become more capable of seeing their past and current weaknesses. The researchers, therefore, suggested that the way to make people recognize their own incompetence is actually quite simple: make them more competent!
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What are your thoughts on the Dunning-Kruger effect?
⚪Is it common in your culture for people to overestimate their abilities?
⚪Is there anyone at your workplace you'd describe as incompetent?
⚪Do you know anyone who's more competent than they think they are?
⚪Who's the most self-confident person you know?
⚪What skills do you want to learn someday?
⚪What do you think is the skill common to all successful people?
Have a discussion based on the following quotes.
⚪The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. — Socrates
⚪Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. — Mahatma Gandhi
【Too Many Decisions? Here's How to Beat Decision Fatigue】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Do you find that you have the most energy early in the morning?
⚪Do you generally stick to a routine each day?
⚪fatigue【名】疲労(感)[fəˈtiːg]extreme tiredness caused by physical or mental activity or illness
- He is suffering from mental fatigue.「彼は精神的疲労に苦しんでいる。」
⚪eat into【句動詞】〜を使い込んでしまう、〜を食い込む[iːt ˈɪntu]to use up an amount of something
- These medical bills are eating into my savings.「これらの医療費に私の貯蓄が使い込まれている。」
⚪set in【句動詞】(良くない事が)始まる[set ɪn](of something unpleasant) to happen and be likely to continue
- The cold weather seems to be setting in.「寒い天候が始まっているようだ。」
⚪prioritize【動】優先する[praɪˈɔːrətaɪz]to consider or treat something as very or most important
- The company promised to prioritize the health and safety of its workers.「その企業は、従業員の健康と安全を優先することを約束した。」
⚪self-care【名】セルフケア、自己療法[ˌself ˈker]the practice of being active in taking care of one's well-being
- My husband is a workaholic and doesn't prioritize self-care.「私の夫は仕事中毒で、セルフケアを優先しない。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Too Many Decisions? Here's How to Beat Decision Fatigue
Decision fatigue happens when we become exhausted from making too many choices. These could be anything from having to choose between hundreds of online recipes for dinner, or between a large number of qualified candidates for a job.
And when decision fatigue sets in, the choices we make aren't always the best ones. So how can we reduce decision fatigue?
Remove small decisions
Small decisions can eat into our time when we have other, bigger decisions to make. This is why former US president Barack Obama only wore blue or grey suits while he was in office. With so many decisions, why worry about what to wear?
The time you exercise, sleep, eat and meet friends can all be included in a set routine. By reducing the number of choices you have to make, you can make more mental space for the decisions that really matter.
Prioritize decision-making
The best time to make hard decisions is when you have the most energy, and for many of us, that's first thing in the morning. So why not write a list of the tasks you need to complete, and prioritize the most complex and urgent ones first? That way, you can do the simpler tasks later in the day when your energy levels start to drop.
Don't make decisions when you're tired
Don't make major decisions when you know you're tired. Try not to make a decision simply because it is in front of you and you want it to be out of the way. Instead, wait until you've had some rest, so your mind is clear.
Practice Self-Care
It may sound obvious, but practicing self-care is extremely important when it comes to making good decisions.
Prioritize activities that promote mental and physical health — everything from getting enough sleep to taking a walk — to help prevent or deal with the stress of decision fatigue.
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Have you ever experienced decision fatigue?
⚪Would you describe your job as stressful? Why? Why not?
⚪How often do you have to make decisions when you're tired?
⚪What time of day do you feel you make the best decisions?
⚪What activities do you find improve your mental well-being?
⚪Which of your friends and family would you say is the best at dealing with stress?
⚪How common do you imagine burnout is in your country?
Have a discussion based on the following quotes.
⚪It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. — J. K. Rowling
⚪When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. — Roy E. Disney
【Business Is War so Don't Be 'Caught off Guard'】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Have you ever thought about starting your own business?「ビジネスを立ち上げることを考えたことはありますか。」
⚪What's the best business advice you've ever heard?「これまでに聞いた最高のビジネスアドバイスは何ですか。」
⚪reference【名詞】参考、参照、言及[ˈrɛfərəns]the act of mentioning a particular person or thing
- Despite being fictional, this book has many references to actual historical events.「この本はフィクションにも関わらず、実際の歴史上の出来事についての言及が数多くある。」
⚪strategy【名詞】戦略、計略[ˈstrætɪdʒiː]a plan of how to achieve a long-term or overall goal
- The coach revealed his strategy for the game.「コーチは、その試合のための戦略を明らかにした。」
⚪negotiation【名詞】交渉[nɪˌgoʊʃiːˈeɪʃən]discussion between people or organizations aimed at reaching an agreement
- The details of the contract are still under negotiation.「契約の詳細はまだ交渉中だ。」
⚪attack【名詞】攻撃、襲撃[əˈtæk]an act of violence or force against a person, place, etc.
- Police believe the attack was motivated by revenge.「警察は暴行の動機が復讐だと信じている。」
⚪earn【動詞】稼ぐ、獲得する[ɜːrn]to receive money from one's job or investments
- Leonardo DiCaprio earned $29 million in 2015.「レオナルド・ティカプリオは、2015年に2900万ドルを稼いだ。」
⚪share【名詞】(売買の単位としての)株、株式[ʃɛr]a part of the ownership of a company that is sold on the stock market
- You should do careful research before buying shares in a company.「あなた方は、企業の株を買う前に入念な調査をするべきだ。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Business Is War so Don't Be Caught off Guard「ビジネスは戦争なので不意を突かれるな」
Business English makes many references to war, because — like war — business is all about strategy and winning.
So, for example, if a business is "caught off guard," something has happened that no one expected.
To guard something is to protect it, and if someone — like a soldier — is "caught off guard," it means they have stopped watching what's happening around them.
The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of something that caught many businesses off-guard, causing some to fail.
The important thing is to be "on guard," because in business, anything could happen.
Negotiation is important in both war and business. And in some negotiations, it's best to "stick to your guns," which means not changing your opinion or plan even if other people really disagree with you.
For example, a client might ask you to reduce your prices. But if you stick to your guns and explain why they're getting a good deal, they may still pay the full price.
The expression comes from soldiers needing to stay close to their guns rather than leave them during an attack.
In business, "making a killing" doesn't involve any deaths, but earning a lot of money in a short time without much effort.
A successful deal might mean your business "makes a killing," or someone might make a killing by selling shares in a company at the right time.
交渉は戦争とビジネスの両方で重要だ。 一部の交渉では、「自分の立場を固守する」(直訳:あなたの銃に固執する)のが最善だが、これはつまり、相手があなたに全く同意していなくても、自分の意見や計画を変えないことを意味する。
たとえば、クライアントがあなたに価格を下げるように頼むかもしれない。 だがあなたが自分の立場を固守し、相手にとって良い取引である理由を説明するなら、彼らは正規の値段を支払ってくれるかもしれない。
Listen as your tutor reads the questions and sample answers. Then, your tutor will ask you the questions.
⚪Which of the expressions from the article did you find interesting?
⚪Would you agree that business is like war? Why? Why not?
⚪Has your company or industry ever been caught off guard?
⚪Does your job involve any negotiating?
⚪Do you find it easy or difficult to stick to your guns when someone disagrees with you?
⚪Do you know anyone who's made a killing in a short amount of time?
⚪What would you say is the key to success in business? Why?
【Don't 'Lose Sleep' Over Work with These Phrases】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Can you think of a time when work made you really stressed? What happened? 仕事のことで、とてもストレスを感じた時のことを思い出せますか。どんな状況でしたか。
⚪If you could do anything and get paid for it, what would it be? もしあなたが何でもできて、報酬が得られるとしたら、何をしますか。
⚪massive【形容詞】巨大な、大規模な[ˈmæsɪv]extremely large
- The line for the drive-thru is massive!「ドライブスルーは長蛇の列だ。」
⚪annoyed【形容詞】いらいらした[əˈnɔɪd]upset or slightly angry
- My sister gets annoyed easily and often yells at me.「私の妹は簡単にいらいらして、よく私を怒鳴りつける。」
⚪tear【動詞】引き離す、剥ぐ[ter]to remove by pulling
- We had to tear up the carpet in the living room after it was damaged in the flood.「洪水で絨毯がだめになった後、私たちはそれを居間から剥がさなければならなかった。」
⚪control【名詞】管理、支配[kənˈtroʊl]the power to decide or affect how something is done, how someone behaves, etc.
- The Democratic Party took control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections.「民主党は2018年の中間選挙で、下院を奪還した。」
⚪break down 【句動詞】取り乱す、泣き崩れる、がっくりする[breɪk daʊn]to lose control of one's feelings
- She broke down in tears during the press conference.「彼女は記者会見の際、感情を抑えられずに泣いた。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Don't 'Lose Sleep' Over Work with These Phrases「これらの表現を使って、仕事のことが『心配で眠れない』ことのないように」
Even if you love your job, you probably get stressed out sometimes. Maybe you've had to finish a massive project without a lot of time, or had a task that was too difficult to do alone. Here's some vocabulary to help you talk about your work stress!
We all know that stress can make you think about a problem so much that you can't sleep at night. So if you're very worried about something — like an important interview or meeting — you might say you are "losing sleep over it."
The phrase, "Don't lose sleep over it" is also a common way to say, "Don't worry about it."
When you have a problem at work and just don't know what to do, you could say you are "at a loss." And when not being able to find a solution starts to make you really annoyed, it might make you feel like you want to "tear your hair out."
If a problem continues for too long, you could find yourself at a "breaking point." This is when you no longer feel like you have control over a situation or how you feel — and you are going to "break down" because of the stress. When that happens, it's really important to ask for help!
You should care about your work, of course, but it's not a good idea to "run yourself into the ground." That means to make yourself really tired by doing too much work. When you're tired, mistakes happen more often, giving you even more problems to lose sleep over!
たとえ仕事が好きでも、時にはストレスがたまることがあるだろう。 多くの時間をかけずに大規模なプロジェクトを終わらせなければならなかったり、1人で行うには難し過ぎる仕事を抱えたりすることがあるかもしれない。 ここでは、仕事のストレスについて話すのに役立つボキャブラリーを紹介する。
私たちは皆、ストレスによって、夜眠れないほど問題について考えてしまうことがあることを知っている。 それで、重要な面接や会議など、何かについてとても心配している場合、あなたは「それが心配で眠れない」と言うかもしれない。
「Don't lose sleep over it」という表現は、「心配しないように」ということを伝える一般的な言い方でもある。
仕事で問題を抱えていて、どうしたらいいのか分からないときは、「途方に暮れている」と言うことができる。 そして、解決策が見つからずに本当にイライラし始めたなら、「髪をかきむしりたい」という心境になるかもしれない。
問題があまりに長く続くと、「限界点」に達してしまうかもしれない。 これは、状況や気持ちをコントロールすることができなくなることで、ストレスで「取り乱して」しまう。 そういうときは、助けを求めることが本当に大切だ。
当然仕事は大事にすべきだが、「やり過ぎる」のは良い考えではない。 それは仕事をたくさんし過ぎて、とても疲れてしまうという意味だ。 疲れているときは、ミスが増え、心配で眠れなくなる問題がさらに増えてしまうことにさえなる。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What are the most stressful aspects of your work?「仕事で最もストレスを感じることは何ですか。」
⚪When was the last time your team reached breaking point with a problem?「あなたのチームが問題で限界に達したのは、直近でいつのことですか。」
⚪Who do you find most helpful at work when you're at a loss?「あなたが途方に暮れているとき、職場で一番助けになってくれるのは誰ですか。」
⚪Do you know anyone who tends to run themselves into the ground?「やり過ぎてしまう傾向のある人を誰か知っていますか。」
⚪Which of your friends and family has the most stressful job?「あなたの友人や家族の中で、最もストレスの多い仕事をしているのは誰ですか。」
⚪Do you have any complaints about your workload?「自分の仕事量に不満がを持っていますか。」
⚪Is there anyone at your workplace you'd describe as a workaholic?「あなたの職場の中に仕事中毒だと思う人が誰かいますか。」
【Get 'Up to Speed' on Professional Training Vocabulary】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪When was the last time you tried learning a new skill? 最後に新しい技術を学ぶことに挑戦したのはいつですか。
⚪What's the best career advice you've ever been given? あなたが今までに受けた仕事上の最高のアドバイスは何ですか。
⚪professional【形容詞】職業の、専門職の[prəˈfeʃənl]relating to work that requires special skills or education
- My manager supports my professional growth.「私の上司は私の仕事での成長を支えてくれる。」
⚪experienced【形容詞】経験豊富な[ɪkˈspiːriːənst]having a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular field, subject, etc.
- The company is run by an experienced management team.「その企業は経験豊富な経営陣によって運営されている。」
⚪sharpen【動詞】研ぐ、削る[ˈʃɑːrpən]to make something sharp or sharper
- He sharpened his pencil before he started drawing.「彼は絵を描き始める前に鉛筆を削った。」
⚪advise【動詞】助言する、忠告する[ædˈvaɪz]to offer suggestions about what should be done in a particular situation
- My doctor advised me to eat more vegetables.「私のお医者さんは私にもっと野菜を食べるよう忠告した。」
⚪develop【動詞】成長する、発達する[dɪˈvɛləp]to grow, improve, or increase, etc.
- The course is designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills.「講座は学生が批判的に考える能力を身につけることを目的とする。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Get 'Up to Speed' on Professional Training Vocabulary「専門的な訓練に関する単語に『精通しよう』」
Whether you're starting your career or want to get better at the job you've done for years, you should never stop learning. Here are some words and phrases used to talk about professional training and education.
Changing technology means that even experienced workers sometimes have to learn new things. Getting extra training for a job is called "upskilling." Businesses might give this training to their workers, but you can also upskill yourself — by taking an online course, for example.
Changing technology means that even experienced workers sometimes have to learn new things. Getting extra training for a job is called "upskilling." Businesses might give this training to their workers, but you can also upskill yourself — by taking an online course, for example.
Doing some extra training might not give you a new skill, but could help you "sharpen" a skill, or improve one you have already. Either way, extra training will help get you "up to speed," meaning it will give you all the information you need to do something well.
Doing some extra training might not give you a new skill, but could help you "sharpen" a skill, or improve one you have already. Either way, extra training will help get you "up to speed," meaning it will give you all the information you need to do something well.
Upskilling is different from "retraining," which means learning how to do a totally new job — maybe even in a different industry.
Some people start their careers as "apprentices," learning how to do a job by working for a person or company that teaches them.
An apprentice won't be paid as much as an experienced person, but at least they usually don't work for free. An "intern" also learns by working, but often won't be paid at all.
Another way to learn while you work is to find a "mentor" in the office. This is someone who is more experienced than you and can advise, teach and help you as you develop your skills.
キャリアをスタートするところか、長年してきた仕事の腕を上げたいと思っているかどうかにかかわりなく、学ぶことを決してやめるべきではない。 ここでは、専門的なトレーニングや教育について話すのに使われる、いくつかの単語や表現を紹介しよう。
技術の変化により、経験豊富な労働者でさえ新しいことを学ばなければならないことがある。 仕事のために付加的なトレーニングを受けることを「スキルアップ」という。 企業はこのトレーニングを従業員に行うかもしれないが、例えばオンライン講座を受けることで、自分自身でスキルアップすることもできる。
付加的なトレーニングを行っても、新しいスキルは身に付かないもしれないが、スキルを「磨く」、つまりすでに持っているものを伸ばすのに役立つかもしれない。 いずれにしても付加的なトレーニングは「精通する」のに役立ち、それは何かをうまく行うために必要な情報がすべて与えられることだ。
見習いは経験豊富な人ほどの給料を支払われることはないが、通常、少なくとも無給で働くことはない。 「実習生」も働きながら学ぶが、給料はまったく支払われないことが多い。
働きながら学ぶ別の方法は、職場で「良き指導者」を見つけることだ。 これはあなたよりも経験豊富で、あなたがスキルを伸ばす際にアドバイスをしたり、指導したり、助けてくれたりする人のことだ。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Which of the words and expressions in the article did you find interesting? 記事のどの単語や表現が興味深いと思いましたか。
⚪Which of your skills would you like to sharpen? Why? あなたのスキルのうち、どれを磨きたいですか。なぜですか。
⚪Have you ever thought about retraining? If so, which job or industry would you like to retrain for? トレーニングを再び受けることについて考えたことがありますか。もしあるなら、どの職業や業界で働きたいですか。
⚪Do you know anyone who has worked as an apprentice or intern? 見習いや実習生として働いたことのある人を誰か知っていますか。
⚪Who would you say is the most skilled person at your place of work? あなたの職場で最も熟練した人は誰だと思いますか。
⚪In your opinion, what are the most important skills in today's job market? Why do you think so? 現在の求人市場で最も重要なスキルは何だと思いますか。なぜそう思いますか。
⚪Are there any new skills you'd like to learn in the future? 将来習得したい新しいスキルがありますか。
【Keep This Workday Vocabulary 'On Call'】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Which of your friends or family do you think has the best job? あなたの友人や家族の中で、一番良い仕事をしていると思う人は誰ですか。
⚪How many different jobs have you had? Which did you enjoy most? あなたはいくつの異なる仕事をしましたか。どれが一番楽しかったですか。
⚪full-time【形容詞】常勤の、(就業などが)全時間の[fʊl taɪm]for the whole working week, usually 40 hours
- I'm looking for a full-time job in the fashion industry.「私はファッション業界で常勤の仕事を探している。」
⚪schedule【名詞】予定(表)、計画(表)[ˈskɛdʒuːl]a plan of when events or tasks will happen or be done
- I need to check my schedule and then call you back.「私は自分の予定を確認してからお電話し直す必要があります。」
⚪shift【名詞】シフト、交代勤務時間[ʃɪft]a period of time during which a group of employees work before they are replaced by another group
- I'm working a few night shifts next week.「私は来週、数回夜のシフトで働く。」
⚪graveyard【名詞】墓地[ˈɡreɪvjɑːrd]an area of land where people are buried
- Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris is the most visited graveyard in the world.「パリのペール・ラシェーズ墓地は、世界で最も訪問者の多い墓地だ。」
⚪entertainer【名詞】人を楽しませる人、芸(能)人[ˌɛntərˈteɪnər] a person whose job is to perform in front of people to entertain them, including singers, dancers, comedians, etc.
- When she grows up, she wants to be an entertainer.「彼女は大きくなったら、芸能人になりたいと思っている。」
⚪temporary【形容詞】臨時の、一時的な[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛriː]not permanent, or for a limited period of time
- I found a temporary job as a waitress in a local cafe. 「私は地元のカフェで、ウェイトレスとして臨時の仕事を見つけた。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Keep This Workday Vocabulary 'On Call'「この仕事日に関するボキャブラリーを『オンコール』にしておく」
When someone talks about their "nine to five," they mean their full-time job. This phrase comes from the traditional US office hours, in which work starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m.
However, from waiters to police officers, lots of people work at very different times of the day and night. So here are some more words and phrases for talking about work schedules.
Businesses use "shift work" to make sure they have staff "24/7" — that is, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees are given a "shift" of time to work that could be in the morning, afternoon or night.
A shift that starts at night and ends in the early morning is called the "graveyard shift." And one that starts in the afternoon and ends late is sometimes called the "swing shift."
Sometimes a job needs you to be "on call," which means available to work whenever needed, even outside of normal working hours. For example, a doctor might not be at a hospital but could be on call to come in if needed.
A phrase now being used more often when talking about work is the "gig economy." "Gig" is another word for an entertainer's job, such as a concert at a bar or club, but can also mean any temporary job. The gig economy refers to people taking short jobs that are often found through apps, like Uber drivers.
People working in the gig economy don't usually have full-time contracts and are instead "freelance." This means they work for themselves and do jobs for lots of different companies or clients.
誰かが「勤務日」(直訳:9時から5時)の話をするとき、それはフルタイムの仕事のことを指す。 この表現は、仕事が午前9時に始まり午後5時に終わるという、アメリカの伝統的な勤務時間からきている。
しかし、ウェイターから警察官まで、多くの人が昼夜のまったく異なる時間帯に働く。 そこで、仕事のスケジュールについて話すための単語やフレーズをいくつか紹介する。
企業は「毎日24時間」、つまり1日24時間の週7日、従業員を確保するために 「交代勤務」を活用する。 従業員は、午前、午後、または夜に入る仕事の「シフト」時間を組まれる。
夜から始まって早朝に終わるシフトは、「深夜勤務」(直訳:墓場のシフト)と呼ばれる。 また、午後に開始し、遅く終了するものは、「準夜勤」(直訳:変動シフト)と呼ばれることがある。
時には仕事で、通常の勤務時間外であっても、必要に応じて対応できるという意味の「オンコール」が求められることもある。 例えば、医師は病院にいないけれども、必要なときには出勤できるように待機していることがある。
仕事について語るときに、今よく使われる表現として、「ギグ・エコノミー 」(単発の仕事を請け負う働き方)がある。 「ギグ」とは、バーやクラブでのコンサートなど、エンターテイナー的な仕事を指す言葉だが、一時的な仕事も表す。 ギグ・エコノミーは、Uberのドライバーのように、アプリを通じて見つかることが多い短時間の仕事を人々が引き受けることを指す。
ギグ・エコノミーで働く人々は、通常、フルタイムの契約を結んでおらず、「フリーランス」だ。 つまり、彼らは自営業を営み、多くの異なる企業やクライアントのために仕事をする。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪What office hours do people in your country typically work? あなたの国では、人々は通常どのような勤務時間に働いていますか。
⚪What hours would you work if you could set your own schedule? もし自分でスケジュールを決められるとしたら、あなたは何時に働きますか。
⚪Have you ever done shift work? If so, how did you cope? If not, do you think you'd enjoy it? シフト勤務をしたことがありますか。もしあれば、どのように対処しましたか。もしない場合、それを楽しめると思いますか。
⚪Do you know anyone who works in the gig economy? What do they do? ギグ・エコノミーで働いている人を知っていますか。その人はどのような仕事をしていますか。
⚪Would you rather be a waiter, police officer, Uber driver or entertainer? Why? ウェイター、警察官、Uberの運転手、エンターテイナーでは、どれにになりたいですか。なぜですか。
⚪Do you know anyone who works their dream job? 理想の仕事をしている人を知っていますか。
⚪What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the workforce? 社会人になりたての人にどんなアドバイスをしますか。
【Sports Phrases You'll Hear in the Business World】
Have a short conversation based on the questions below.
⚪Do you play any sports? How often do you play them?「 何かスポーツをしますか。どれほど頻繁にそれをしますか。」
⚪What are the most popular sports in your country?「 あなたの国で最も人気のスポーツは何ですか。」
⚪take action【熟語】 行動を起こす[teɪk ˈækʃən]to do something significant to achieve something, solve a problem, etc.
- We must take immediate action to protect the environment.「私たちは環境を保護するために直ちに行動を起こさなければならない。」
⚪court【名詞】(スポーツの)コート[kɔːrt]a four-sided area where games such as basketball, tennis, etc. are played
- The school only has one tennis court.「その学校には、テニスコートが一つしかない。」
⚪championship【名詞】優勝決定戦、決勝戦、優勝、選手権大会[ˈtʃæmpiːənˌʃɪp]a competition to decide the best player or team in a sport or game
- Thanks to a great team effort, they won the championship.「すばらしいチームワークのおかげで彼らは優勝した。」
⚪set up【句動詞】設ける、開く[set ʌp]to arrange for something to happen
- I'll set up a meeting for next Tuesday, so please let me know if that works for you.「来週の火曜日に会議を設けるので、都合が合うかどうかお知らせください。」
⚪injury【名詞】怪我、負傷[ˈɪndʒəriː]harm or damage done to the body of a human or animal
- She had to withdraw from the race because of a leg injury.「彼女は脚のケガのため、レースを棄権しなければならなかった。」
🔹Reading Practice🔹
Sports Phrases You'll Hear in the Business World「ビジネスの世界で耳にするスポーツの表現」
Working for a big company can be like playing in a team, and trying to succeed in the business world can feel like fighting for a championship. And the connections between business and sport don't stop there: phrases from sports are often used in business.
Here are some sports-based phrases to help you succeed in business.
You can't just "watch from the sidelines" in business. In sports, this means watching the game from the side of the field instead of playing in it, for example because of an injury. So the phrase is used to talk about waiting to see what happens instead of taking action.
So if there was someone you really want as a customer, you might say, "We can't just watch from the sidelines; we need to get this client before she goes to another company."
In baseball, players need to run and touch each of three bases before they can reach home base and score a point. But to "touch base" also means to contact someone, usually just for a short conversation.
So your workmate might say, "I'll touch base with the client and see if we can set up a meeting."
When the "ball is in your court," it means it's time for you to take action, and nothing else can happen until you do. This phrase comes from tennis: when the ball is in your side of the court, you have to be the one to hit it to keep the game going.
After a meeting with your potential client, you might say, "We've shown her everything we can offer. The ball is in her court now."
大企業で働くことは、チームでプレーするようなものであり、ビジネスの世界で成功しようとすることは、優勝を賭けて戦うような気持ちかもしれない。 ビジネスとスポーツの関連性はそれだけにとどまらず、スポーツから取られた表現がビジネスの場ではよく使われる。
ビジネスで、ただ「傍観者となる」(直訳:サイドラインから見守る)のは良くない。 スポーツでこれは、例えばケガなどの理由で、フィールドでプレーする代わりにその脇から試合を見守ることを意味する。 したがってこのフレーズは、行動を起こす代わりに、何が起きるかを待つことについて話すのに使われる。
野球では、プレーヤーはホームベースにたどり着いて点数を入れる前に、走って3つのベースをそれぞれタッチする必要がある。 だが「ベースをタッチする」とは誰かと連絡を取るという意味もあり、通常はちょっとした短い会話のためだ。
「ボールがあなたのコートにある」とき、それはあなたが行動を起こす時が来たことを意味し、あなたがそうしない限り何も起こらない。 このフレーズはテニスに由来していて、ボールがあなたの側のコートにある時、試合を続けるためにはあなたがそれを打たないといけない。
クライアントになる可能性のある人との会議を終えあと、あなたは「私たちは彼女に提供できるものを、すべてお見せした。 あとは彼女次第だ」と言うかもしれない。
Have a discussion based on the following questions.
⚪Which of the phrases in the article did you find interesting?「 記事の中のどの表現が興味を引きますか。」
⚪Are there many expressions in your language that come from sports?「 あなたの言語にはスポーツに由来する表現がたくさんありますか。」
⚪What sports do you follow? When did you first get into them?「 どのスポーツの情報を追っていますか。最初に興味を持ったのはいつですか。」
⚪Do you prefer individual or team sports? Why?「 あなたは個人競技と団体競技のどちらが好きですか。それはなぜですか。」
⚪Do you work better alone or as part of a team?「 何かスポーツをしますか。どれほど頻繁にそれをしますか。」
⚪Have you ever worked for a big company? What did you enjoy most about it?「 あなたの国で最も人気のスポーツは何ですか。」
⚪How long do you plan to keep working for your current employer?「 現在の雇用主のもとで、どのくらい長く働き続ける予定ですか。」